Luz Staff

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As luz was at her school. She was about to get her staff.

She had carve as she carved she was thinking after hearing about what happened to king. So luz carved a dragon she name it king jr in honor of a old friend.

The bat came to live luz feet happy.

Oh luz you just got your own staff it so cool but why a dragon babe.

It honor of king.

I think he be honored knowing that honey.

I know it just when he left i feet sad.

It okay i sure king miss you too.

As they talk a carriage came in view.

Huh who that.

Lady luz loud my name is sir alex my lord wishes to see you. He open the door to see a tall man with skull mask wearing king suit.

Luz it so good see you my boo boo buddy.

King is that really you.

Yes luz it so good see you.

It good see you too boo boo buddy.

Also i going be your demon history teacher luz so we see each other this monday. Oh this that your staff it beautiful the dragon so cute.

Thank you king his name king jr.

Luz i am very honored to be name after your staff.

Thank you king they boyh hug.

Amity came back out with her staff.

Awwww what that amity.

It call dratter think as boiling isles form of otter but mix with dragon.

Oh cool so it animal you got around here that cool.

Yes hey let test them out since school os out.

I love too amity.

So both girls fly around in the air.

Eda was looking up from her standed.

She was happy seeing luz having fun she always saw a demon like witch flying to her.

Oh hi king how are you buddy.

Fine eda can i borrow the portal sure why.

No reason just want do unfinished business.

As king walk into the prison.

Hello you george my name king i am very big deal in the demon reaml.

He look up scared.

You know you have harm my family that publishable by death. But i going do worse i going bring you to my castle while you are there you be my slave and have my demon servents torturing you till i have not use.

King snap his fingers they were in king dungeons.

This were you sleep enjoy your stay because tomorrow you are going to pay for pain you caused. He laugh in evil way that George knew was not good.

So king return to market to spend time with his family.

Hope you enjoy.

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