The King of werecats

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As amity and luz where walking to their cabin they saw a lion with gray fur. The lion walk to them and lick their hands.

Awwww how sweet amity got out her bag a fish stick give to him. They walk off. When they hear the lion say may you be in bless children of the wild and daughter of the curse owl and rufus a worghty alpha.

When amity and luz got home amity feet that was weird she talk about with her parents on her scroll.

Hi amity how are you dear.

I am fine mom. Funny thing a gray lion lick me and luz hands.

Fuli was shock ah amity that no normal lion. That very important man in werecat community his name is Cratos you are very luck my cub because if he licks you and luz that shows he respects your relationship and will protect you both from danger.

Huh why protect us mom.

It because he sees you as members of his kingdom and king cratos is very protective of his people.

Oh i see thanks mom.

No problem anything else need help with.

Yeah ah cratos call luz daughter of the curse owl and rufus the worghty alpha what that about.

Well you see a curse owl is name of a royal wereowl. Which belive means eda because curse owls are not born wereowl they are curse a wereowl.

Oh i see okay what about rufus.

Amity long time ago there was a war against werewolves and werecats rufus fight against werewolves because he saw this war foolish. But he knew alpha blakes wouldn't back down so rufus fight by king cratos side. The war ended cratos give rufus title and knight him all werecats and werewolves know him as the worghty alpha.

Oh wow so my grandpa was war hero luz said background.

Yes luz he was azaad really looks up to rufus and so did your uncle hank.

Huh i have uncle.

Yes very highper man he camilla older brother i send you a text of his number on your scroll luz.

I like that thanks fuli.

Anytime girls i have go me and azaad are having a date night so bye girls.

Bye mom i love you.

Bye have fun on your date.

Once the call ended amity was smiling.

Man your family just gets more interesting.

You mean our family right kitty.

Huh what mean luz.

Luz open box this what call a promise ring it kinda like waiting for when the two are ready for marriage.

Oh my titan i love and yes.

So luz place ring on amity finger and kiss it.

Your my everything amity i can't bare lose you.

Neither can i baby she says hugging luz in a loving embrace luz acceps the hug.

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