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Em, ed and amity where having sleepover with their partners.

So luz how you doing girl.

Luz whispers in amity ear.

Luz says she doing great she just learn how us light spell with guitar.

Really that cool luz.

So amity why is luz always cuddling you.

Luz like it because it makes her safe.

Awwww luz that adorable you cutie.

Luz bluses at that luz whispers to amity ear.

Luz says thank you viney.

So guys if i punch myself am i weak or strong ed said.

You are strong.

You are weak.

You are a dork luz smiled.

Yeah your right luz. Ed smiled about it.

So amity how you doing with gruguby.

Good i been doing well me and my team just won another game.

Cool amity so ah what going do after school.

Plan to be a teacher to teach elementary school.

Awwwww mittens you are just sweet luz whisper in her ear.

Thank you baby amity kiss luz forhead.

So did you hear about boscha.

Amity look with raise eyebrow. What did she do viney.

She been saying that wereside is bad.

Oh so just being a petty jerk.

Yeap pretty much amity so how has your relationship been viney ask.

Me and luz been doing great she the best girlfriend anyone can have.

That sweet mittens ed said eating his m&ms.

You know my friend abbie.

Yeah abbie mr travis daughter what about her.

She has a crush on cat which i think very cute.

Oh awwwww did you help her out luz whisper in amity ear.

Yes luz sweetheart i did i told her to get know her first before making a move.

Luz just smiling know that sweet of amity.

So how you been feeling seeing cat amity.

Well jerbo me and cat were fake friends but i think i am starting see her as actually friend.

Awwwww that sweet mittens and i sure cat feels the same.

Yeah your right ed.

Oh okay how about quesion game luz you can whisper your answers to amity okay.

Luz nods her head to agree.

Okay amity favorite candy.

Swedish fish it because i like that fish.

Awwwwww that adorable you little kitty cat.

So they all play for while till they went to bed. As they slept luz cuddle in amity arms feeling the love from her werecat girlfriend she joyful smiled.

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