Chapter 8

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Princess Knallia burst into her parent's room, interrupting a breakfast meeting with Vanya, the court wizard. "Mother, father!" she gasped, still panting after running all the way from the stables. "Prince Martin, he kidnapped Evan! I just saw him riding south towards Ferral!" she finally finished.

Her father stood up in alarm, his eyes wide. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I was having breakfast with Evan in the hunting preserve and I went to fetch a spare horse because Evan has a hurt ankle. But when I came back, Martin had Even tied up on his horse and was riding away, I couldn't catch them!"

"This is outrageous! How dare he do such a thing! Vanya, the ring will still help track Prince Evan, right?"

"Of course, your highness!" the wizard assured him.

"Guards!" her father bellowed, "Fetch Wallace, quickly!"

Knallia felt a surge of relief, Wallace was her father's grizzled captain of the guards, and would be the best person to help get Evan back.

Her father walked over to her and took her by the shoulders. "We'll get him back, all right? Now what Kingdom is he from, we must send a message to the king and queen immediately, they should know what has happened as well."

"Oh, Evan's not a prince. There is no one to send a message to," she replied, unthinking.

"What? Not a prince? You promised to find someone at the party!" her father bellowed, though this time at her.

"I did meet someone at the party! Evan!" she yelled right back.

"But not a prince!"

"I didn't ask everyone at the party if they were a prince, father, I just assumed that was who was there! But if it makes you feel better, I would have chosen Evan over every prince in that room!"

Their argument was cut short by the door opening. Wallace stuck is grey, bearded face into the room. "You summoned me, sire?"

"Yes, Wallace, please..." Knallia started.

"No Wallace, it seems I was mistaken," her father interrupted.

"What? Father no! You can't let this happen!" Knallia screamed as she burst into tears.

"I can. I told you to find a prince. I'm not going to waste my time finding whoever it was you chose. Now go to your room, I'll not have you interrupting any more. Vanya, give her one of your tonics to calm her down please." Her father guided her forcefully out of his chambers.

Knallia rushed to her bedroom and threw herself onto the bed, weeping uncontrollably. How could her father betray her like this? She heard the door to her room open, and she turned her head hoping her mother would come to tell her than she had changed her father's mind, but it was just Vanya, no doubt with the tonic.

"Are you all right?" he asked in a quiet voice. "I'm sorry, that was a silly question, of course you're not all right. I should have never asked."

"It's fine. I don't know that you could help either way," she muttered.

"You might be surprised," he said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" she asked, with just a little hope.

"Well, if I knew where someone I loved was," He said, pointing to her ring, "and that they were in trouble, I would go get them."

"I can't go by myself!" she exclaimed.

"No, but you have friends. You also have a sack full of useful items that could come in handy during a rescue mission." The wizard winked and pulled a bag out from under his robes. "If you look, you will probably find some tents, lanterns, ropes, an enchanted fire, and medicine in case the person you were rescuing was injured. Just a guess of course."

Knallia looked at him in disbelief, then threw her arms around him in a hug. "Thank you so much!"

"True love is something that is worth a kingdom. That ring will work as long as the other person is alive, and unmarried. That is all that can break the enchantment. If the ring on your hand is still tight, you have a chance. Take it."

"Unmarried?" she asked, confused.

"Well, yes. Once you married your prince, the idea was that you could then take these rings off and wear actual wedding rings. I didn't think you'd still want them," Vanya reasoned.

"Oh. That makes sense. Now, if you excuse me, I have to go get some friends!"

Aven awoke to a splitting headache laying on damp stone. She sat up with a groan and managed to sit up, and noticed that she was in a cell, no doubt in Lobbark's dungeon. She moved over to the wall and leaned back against it, letting the cool stone help with the headache.

"Aven?" came a familiar voice from the next cell.

"Dad?" she croaked miserably.

"Oh, you're alive! I've been so worried!" her father, Yarvin, rushed to the bars between the cells, looking at her intently. She crawled over to him and they shared a hug between the bars. It was better than nothing.

"Nice to see you awake." A surly guard sneered, spitting into her cell. "The king will want to see you, now that you're up."

Aven's heart sunk into the stone. She had been so happy the last time she was awake, and now this. She didn't want to know what Lobbark wanted with her.

"It will be all right." Her father whispered.

The guard cackled as he walked away, and Aven wasn't so sure about her father's promise. She just wanted to see Knallia again.

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