Chapter 5

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Knallia was trying not to cry. Somewhere in this room was someone she had to marry, and it was driving her mad. Martin was hovering, constantly trying to interject in any conversation or take her to dance or do something to annoy her. Both Oncya and Lowen had both taken him to dance twice each for which she was forever grateful, but she knew he'd be back. She had taken up a refuge in the corner at a table and was trying to remain as calm as possible. She didn't know if it would hold, but she didn't want to embarrass herself by breaking down.

"Knallia, I'm going to get a drink, can I get you anything?" Oncya asked politely. Lowen was out on the dance floor with Martin for the moment so it seemed safe.

Knallia held up her glass of iced water, it seemed full enough for now. "I'm good Oncya, go have a dance with someone, this night is for you too."

Oncya smiled timidly, then went off to the buffet area.

Aven stood nervously near the drinks, taking in the offerings. She was amazed to see ice in the bowls, keeping them chilled, as she had never seen such before. They must have a court wizard to cast spells to keep it cold, she thought. She had been watching everyone dance and was hoping she was catching on as to how to do it. She'd never actually danced before and didn't want to draw any attention to herself by acting foolishly. She turned her head and noticed a beautiful young lady in a stunning red dress looking over the drinks as well. On her finger was a ring containing a ruby the size of her thumb, and it took all of her might not to stare at it.

It was time to try and make a little money, she thought, with a sinking feeling in her stomach. "Would you care to dance?" she asked the young lady, who looked at her timidly.

"Yes, yes I would!" she replied with a smile.

Aven held out her hand, and the young lady placed her ring covered hand into it. Aven placed her other hand on the girl's waist and they circled out into the room.

"And who might you be?" Aven asked politely.

"My name is Lady Oncya," The girl answered sweetly. "I don't think I've seen you before."

"No, this is my first time here I'm afraid. I don't get out much." Aven answered truthfully, "it seems like everyone is having fun."

"Oh, not the Princess," Oncya said, then blushed.

The dance reached a part where the music had everyone twirl together, and Aven slipped the ruby ring off Oncya's hand as they did, then pocketed it quickly.

"Oh, why not?" Aven asked as if they hadn't just twirled about, curious about why the princess would be sad. The whole ball was for her, why shouldn't she be happy?

Oncya looked into her eyes, not speaking at first, then took a deep breath and whispered. "Well, she is supposed to marry someone here, but doesn't like anyone. She wants to marry for love, but her parents need her to marry to make the kingdom stronger."

Aven frowned, rethinking a lot of theories on royals. "How do you know all this?"

"She is my best friend!" she giggled.

"Well then I hope you help her find someone that she can love, everyone should hope for that," Aven told her honestly as the music ended. She bowed to Oncya who looked at her with a smile, then turned away. Oncya hurried back to her corner.

Aven felt her guts knotted up and had to lean against the table for support. Oncya had seemed quite nice, looking out for her friend, and yet she just stole her ring. She felt like a wretch. Aven felt she was no better than the moneylenders preying on the innocent back home. She hated herself, it wouldn't do. Turning around, she went off to the corner in the direction that Oncya had gone, and found her standing, whispering to a pair of ladies. One in a pale blue dress had a mountain of red curls piled on top of her head and looked like she was smiling at whatever Oncya was saying. The other had her back to him but had a gorgeous green dress that almost had a leaf patten, and long blond hair cascading down her back. She stepped up to Oncya, who looked at her wide eyes as she approached.

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