Chapter 9: A Painful Visit

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(Warning: this chapter discusses violence and harassment. May not be suitable for all readers.)

- Zuko -

I gripped the bars of Uncle's cell as I struggled to stay upright, my body physically trembling as I tried to process what he had just told me. I had come here hoping that he might know something about Elara—anything that would help me to help her—but before I even had the chance to ask about anything of consequence, Uncle had jumped into a lecture about my great-grandfathers: Sozin...

And Avatar Roku.

"Why are you telling me this!" I groaned as the air in the cell seemed to thin.

"Because understanding the struggle between your two great-grandfathers can help you better understand the battle within yourself," Uncle answered. "Evil and good are always at war inside you, Zuko. It is your nature—your legacy. But there is a bright side. What happened generations ago can be resolved now by you. Because of your legacy, you alone can cleanse the sins of our family and the Fire Nation. Born in you, along with all this strife, is the power to restore balance to the world."

Uncle stooped down and wrestled a brick out of the floor, and from the hallowed space he removed a small bundle of cloth. "This is a royal artifact," he noted as he unwrapped the figure and approached me. "It's supposed to be worn by the Crown Prince."

Uncle extended his hand towards me, and in it rested a peculiar headdress—a royal headdress, as Uncle had put it. I accepted his offer hesitantly as I studied the artifact, the golden curvature of the flames reminding me of all the things that a prince should be—all the characteristics that I lacked. I was no prince. I was a traitor. I was a monster.

"I don't deserve this."

I tried to return the artifact to Uncle, but he quickly denied my offering. "You deserve this more than I do," he said.

"No, I don't." My voice waivered as I fell to the floor. "Not after everything I've done. Not after..."

Uncle studied me as I struggled to form a coherent thought, but I suppose he knew exactly what I was thinking without me having to utter a single word.

"You're talking about Elara, aren't you?" Uncle asked.

I didn't dare answer for fear that I would lose all that I had left right there in front of Uncle, but I didn't need to say anything for him to know that he had hit the nail on the head.

Of course I was talking about Elara. How could I possibly be thinking about anyone else? She was my only thought every day and every night—no matter what I was saying or doing—and that made the fact that I hadn't found her even more painful. It was like she had disappeared. It was like she didn't even exist anymore.

At least, that was what I had thought.

"Have you gone to see her?" Uncle asked.


"Elara," he echoed. "Have you gone to see her?"

"Is..." I began, a large lump forming in my throat at the thought that she was right under my nose this entire time. "Is she here?"

Uncle lowered his head before answering, almost as if he were afraid to tell me what he knew. "According to my source, she is being kept in a cell on the lowest level of the prison," he said. "But you should be careful, Prince Zuko. You may not like what you find..."

I didn't even allow Uncle to finish his thought before I burst out of his cell, flying through the prison as I worked my way to the lowest floor—as I worked my way toward Elara.

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