"And if they don't listen and they do attack...Kill the leaders." Roxanne told them.

"Wait!" Lia exclaimed when everyone was about to go. When they stopped, Lia smiled at Roxanne. "Nice shoes." She said.

Roxanne rolled her eyes. "Go get ready." She snapped.

As Lia ran off, Walter walked toward Roxanne and gave her a kiss on her cheek. "Good luck. I love you."

"What Walter said." Amelia said as she kissed Alex on his cheek.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Four Hours Later

It didn't take very long for the Elements to stand in front of town, ready to negotiate.  The Original Elements would be there soon...For the sun was rising.

Just on time, Roxanne thought as Fire, Water, Earth, and Air Elements came in their eyesight. Aden was leading the army of Fire, Zola leading the army of Earth, Rhett leading the army of Air, and Dylan leading the army of Water.

Roxanne stepped forward, away from the straight line of her friends. She saw Zola scoff, and Dylan glare. Aden gasped, and Rhett blinked. 

"As you can see..." Roxanne called out to them. "Blake and Alina are not here. Blake was mad, and attacked us. So...We had to kill him. However, Alina dropped out."

"I knew it!" Dylan exclaimed, snapping his fingers as mummers from his army rose. "I knew she would drop out! She must be scared!"

"No!" Lia yelled at him, defending her Element. "She didn't back away because she was scared!" Lia took a step forward so she was even with Roxanne. "She thought the idea of this war was stupid. So she backed down."

Arian glared at Aden, but then remembered that they had to try and not be hostile. So Arian sighed and also stepped forward. "You all should do the same." Arian agreed. "This war is pointless. There is no need to find out who is the strongest. You all are very strong...And besides, your life is done. You all should have nothing to do with each other anymore."

Alex stepped forward. "You should just rest in peace. You deserve rest. You all did great when you were alive...But now it's time to step down. Let the living live in peace."

"We don't want to seem rude or annoying, but did dead people bother you when you were alive?" Erik asked as he stepped forward. When none of the original's replied, Erik went on. "I didn't think so. So this is why you should just rest now."

"Yeah." Xaden agreed. He joined the others in their line. "So please...Just rest and stop this war. There's no need for it."

The Original's awkwardly glanced at each other, not exactly sure what to say. It took a few minutes, and in that few minutes, the Current Elements nervously waited.

Finally, Dylan shoved his hands in his pocket and chuckled at them. "No." He said, making Xaden gasp.

"Why not?!" Xaden demanded.

Dylan scoffed. "Do you honestly believe that I would listen to all that mushy crap?" He asked sourly. "It's pathetic. I do understand that you don't want us dead people in your way...However...We all haven't lived for very long. We need more time to live. However....Not all us elements can live at once..Not with our past lingering around us."

Roxanne shook her head. "Forget the past! Focus on the present!" She shot a quick smile toward Alex as she said his own advice. "The past is not what's important. It's the present, and your future!"

"She is right." Zola agreed. Dylan gasped as Zola turned to her army. "It's decided. The Element of Earth will not participate in this war. Our time is done. It's time to rest." Zola turned to the Current Elements and smiled. "Thank you..." She said.

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