"Artemis is in danger. I need thy to let my hunters and I go and help." Zoe demanded. But while her voice was firm, her eyes gave away how panicked she was.

"What makes you believe this Mrs. Nightshade?"

"I had a dream."

Arya held back a groan at the mention of dreams, hating that she was still being reminded of her argument with Percy. Why did nightmares have to be the demigod thing, why not normal visions or daydreams, at least then she wouldn't be losing sleep over it.

"I am afraid I cannot let you leave camp," Chiron told her.

Zoe's face shifted from shocked, to livid. She clenched her fist and tensed so much, Arya was surprised steam didn't come out of her ears.

"My Lady is in danger." She spoke sharply, as if Chrion hadn't understood her the first time. "You know how demigod dreams work, Chiron."

Arya who had sat herself down in her usual chair at the table decided to speak up, words leaving her mouth without thinking them through.
"But you're not a demigod are you?"

She knew the unfiltered words were a bad idea as soon as Zoe snapped her eyes over to the girl with so much disdain, Arya expected lasers to come out of them and kill her on the spot. Then, as soon as the Hunter opened her mouth. Arya knew she was in for her second fight of the hour.

"What are you even doing here!?"

Arya debated just being the bigger person, giving her a nice, quiet, and polite response and letting her go back to Chiron. But Arya was still dealing with her own frustration from Percy and she was itching for something to help her let out her anger, she knew it was irresponsible. But Zoe was right there, it was too easy.

"Sorry, would you have rather me left you alone? because at the rate you were going Argus and you were going to be arguing all night long."

"I would have been fine on my own!"

"The rest of the world might be your territory, but this camp is mine Zoe. It's the one thing I know better than you."

"You are infuriating! You haven't changed at all over these years!" Zoe fought, marching right up to Arya, who stood up to meet her eye-to-eye. "Artemis always had a soft spot for thee that I never understood. Even to this day, despite that fact that thy is still weakly hanging on to that traitor boy."

"You don't. Know. Me." Arya practically growled through her teeth, ready to hit Zoe hard in her jaw to teach her a lesson. "You talk all high and mighty about Artemis and your hunters but look where you are. Left behind, your only information are vague dreams, begging for a quest. Right now you're no better than anyone else here."

"How dare you!" Zoe screamed.

"Ladies!" Chiron demanded, hitting his hoof hard on the ground to get their attention. "I would hope after all you two have been in through you'd realize you are more alike than you are different! But I guess I was wrong and it's very disappointing."

Both girls went quiet. Zoe might not have cared about Chirons words, but they hit Arya deep. Deep enough to shut her up on the spot and all her anger to disappear. Chiron being disappointed at her was one of the worst feelings in the world. She would much rather he be mad.

Chiron turned towards Zoe. "I will remind you that Artemis sent you here with direct orders that you are not allowed to leave until she gives you further instructions."

"How are the Hunters and I supposed to get orders from Artemis, when she is lost." Zoe stressed.

Chiron shook his head. "I'm sorry but I cannot give you permission to leave."

Instinct & Understanding// [Percy Jackson OC]// Book 3Where stories live. Discover now