Within moments, she had a response.


"It's time I get ready to speak to the Council. I have couple more favors to ask of you though."

"Anything, Ahsoka." Should it scare him that he meant it?

"I have a spare outfit in my quarters. Would you have one of the boys over there grab it? It's all together, folded in one of the drawers under my bed."

"Yeah, I can have it brought over here. What's the second thing?"

"Do you mind if I use your sonic-shower? I haven't had a chance to get cleaned up in a couple of days."

It took every ounce of his willpower to not flash to a mental scene that would confirm everything Fives had accused him of.

"You're more than welcome to, Ahsoka. I can come back when you're done." He wanted to hit his head against the wall. 'You're more than welcome to' is probably one of the worst ways he could have phrased his answer.

She didn't seem too off put by it, so he tried not to worry. "Thanks, Rex. I'll be out in a bit." Standing up, she walked to his 'fresher and slid the door behind her.

Instead of waiting in the room with her in his shower, he pulled himself off the ground and decided he would just be the one to go get her clothes. Typically, if he had been sent on an errand like this, he would have been insulted, but, given that it was coming from Ahsoka, who, understandably, didn't want to deal with the boys just yet, especially if she had a time constraint.

He set off.

After his conversation with Fives, it likely got around to not mess with the Captain, which was a wise decision on his men's part because there was a good chance he would have immediately bit their heads off.

The Jedi's room was about a twenty-ish minute walk and once he got there, he realized he needed a code to get in. He pressed his comm and hoped that she should answer because he really didn't want to walk all the way back. 

Not immediately, but after a few moments, the channel opened up. "Rex?" He could still hear the sonic-shower spray in the background.

"Commander, I need the code to open your door."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Rex. It's 05010."

He couldn't help himself. "Very original, Ahsoka."

"Rexter?" She asked, and he could hear her smile.

"Yes, cyar'ika?" Kriff, kriff, he was a utreekov, karking di'kut.

"Shut it." It was in moments like that that made Rex beyond grateful that Ahsoka didn't know Mando'a.

"Of course, Commander." He shut off the comm before his mouth could divulge any more. If Fives or, at this point, Jesse had overheard him, they would never let it go.

Shaking his head, Rex stepped into her room, the door shutting behind him.

What surprised him the most was the barrenness of it all. There was nothing in there to indicate the warm person he knew besides a few things on her wall. He couldn't see exactly what they were yet.

It reminded him all too much like his own barracks. It made sense that he didn't really have anything because he was a clone, but she was a Jedi with an exceptionally long-life span.

Even the General's room was more personalized than hers.

Walking towards her bed, not thinking it would hurt anything, Rex examined what was really on his Commander's wall. They were pictures. Real, paper pictures, not even slightly digital.

It's Commander Tano, Not PadawanWhere stories live. Discover now