He was so desperate – she could feel the way he needed her to come back, if not for his sake, than for Anakin's – but he could see the way she was hesitate and he knew.

He knew, but he tried one last thing.

"Ahsoka, if not for me, and not for Anakin, then for your men. For your Captain."


She couldn't do it. Her men meant more to her than they would ever understand. 

Ahsoka stopped. And stared at him. He didn't even look apologetic for pulling that out. Her men. Her brothers. Her vod.

And Rex.

"I-" She began. "I need to think. I will inform you tomorrow. But, just – for tonight, please, Obi-Wan, let me think."

For once, he didn't look at the Council for approval, just nodded his head and retracted his hand, her beads still weighing heavily inside.

Without acknowledging any of the other Masters, Ahsoka turned and walked out, her arms wrapped around herself, not knowing where to go.

She couldn't see Anakin – not yet. Besides, she had seen the Chancellor signal him soon after the trial, which explained why he wasn't here with the rest of them.

Or because they simply didn't tell him what they were doing yet, fearing his reaction if she did the unthinkable and turned them down.

And she couldn't go to Padme's because there was a high chance he would be there later that night.

That left her real home. Definitely not the Temple anymore, but the place she truly felt safest in – which was ironic given that it was a flagship built solely for war.


By the time she had arrived at the Resolute, it was dark and the air taxi driver had been trying to talk with her. She just ignored him and stared out the window, not speaking a word beyond telling him to go to GAR ship yards.

She felt naked as she walked without her lightsabers to her ship, noticing how the clones on duty shifted as she past. 

Walking down the gang plank, she saw a clone stationed by the door. A shiny whose name she didn't know yet. Ahsoka didn't want to look at him and as she typed in her codes to enter, it was clear he felt uncomfortable too.

He saw everything he needed to about her trial on the holonet. And how she attacked some of his brothers.

Not that she killed any, but it probably still didn't feel right being too friendly with her. Not that she could blame him.

Walking down the corridors to where she knew Rex's rooms were, Ahsoka swaddled herself in the Force, strongly suggesting everyone she walked by to not notice her. She didn't have the strength for that yet.

And it was a testament to her skill that not a single clone even paused as they passed.

Fifteen minutes later, she was in front of his room. She wasn't completely sure how he was going to react, but he was one of the few people she had always trusted to have her back.

Before this whole incident, she would have still included Anakin in that list, but she had seen that, if it came down to it, he would stay and stand with the Order, regardless of how they treated. True, he found a way to save the day as he always did, and didn't give up hope, but it was clear that he would not be leaving the Order for her anytime soon.

He'd do that for Padme before he did that for her. 

Shut the kriff up.

She reached out with the Force to see if he was there.

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