•twelve• later

Start from the beginning

A commotion draws their attention, and they witness the little girl, Mi-Hi, trying to get out of her brother's hold. It seems she's trying to run back to attach herself to Jimin, and her brother is not having it. Jimin stands to maybe go and help when Mi-Hi sinks her teeth into her brother's hand, causing him to howl in pain. As the small girl begins to move away to get to Jimin, one of the teachers hollers at her, using her full name. This causes her to freeze. Jimin's heart pounds in his chest when the name settles in his mind. He meets Naeun Noona's wide eyes, and things fall into place immediately... Jimin whispers out the name in a breath...

"jeon mi-hi..."

~~~~~ Haerin

Once Naeun Unnie leaves with the kids, I head to change my clothes. I put on the black lace lingerie, and then the black leather pants that hug my curves. Saving the top for last to not get any makeup on it, I sit at my small vanity. I stare at my reflection in the mirror and hardly recognize the girl looking back. Eyes that used to twinkle, are now cold and empty. The easy blush I used to get when I was flustered, hardly ever makes an appearance. I see the beauty in the mirror, but it's tainted now.

The once full cheeks are now hollow, and my neck is thinner, making it appear longer somehow. Not wasting more time, I put my long, wavy hair into a messy bun and begin to apply my makeup. It's actually more like armor to me now. Where once I would apply light, natural highlights, I now use dark shades that make me look more mature than my 23, almost 24 years.

The dark smoky eye makeup, the black eyeliner, and the thick coat of mascara make my brown eyes look darker. I apply a heavy layer of blush on my cheeks, creating a contour that makes my cheekbones look sharp. Lastly, I grab the blood red stain and glide it all over my plump lips. When I'm finished, I let my hair down, ruffling it to let the dark, almost black waves cascade over my back and shoulders.

Standing from my seated position, I grab the sheer black crop top and pull it on. Buttoning it, leaving the top 2 open, I check myself in the full length mirror. Thinking I need more, I go to my jewelry box and take a black choker and a pair of large silver hoop earrings. Checking myself again, I'm finally satisfied. I grab my black heeled ankle boots and walk to the front door. After I grab my keys, phone, and purse I leave the apartment.

I notice the looks people throw my way as I hurry to my destination. I've stopped caring what others think long ago. They would never understand me, or my life. Words like 'slut' and 'whore' are whispered as I pass by women walking with their men who can't keep their hungry eyes off me. I'm dangerous to those women, because I just don't give a shit. I feel the strong gazes of those same men as if they have their hands on me already. Most of them can only dream of touching someone like me. I'm quite expensive...

I turn into an alley that brings me to the back of the club I'm heading to. It's still early, but I want to have a few drinks and maybe my friend Chul will have some X. If not that, I know he'll at least have some weed, and I can get mellow before I go to work. The security guard greets me, opening the door. Stepping inside, the music from the front vibrates my chest. It's a bass forward song that makes people feel their bodies are tingling. It adds to the effects of the alcohol and drugs people consume, somehow making them more libidinous.

I walk with confidence, and swing my hips to the music. Stopping first in the locker room, I leave things I won't need behind. I take a last look in the mirror and make my way to the bar. I see Chul pouring drinks for a couple old men that come in every afternoon. Both of them are widowed, and like to flirt with the girls here. They are completely harmless though, just lonely.

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