chapter 1

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"if anyone ever hurts you i'll kill them"

you could say that nate is a heartless douche bag with anger issues and a bad reputation. but i say he has a heart. and he's not a douche bag. but he does have anger issues and a bad reputation. no arguing that. but he can be so sweet. to me anyways. nate jacobs is anything but normal. he can be aggressive. rude. ignorant. annoying. addictive. controlling at time. a lot of things. but more than anything,obsessive. sometimes i wonder why he cares so much about me, but other times i just think it's cause he think he needs to. i have an older sister. her name is reya. she's a real bitch. my dad comes in and out of my life. my mom,she's at work all the time. nate doesn't like his mom. he tolerates his dad. and he hates his brothers. we just spend a lot of time together. away from everyone. he hates the idea of my sister having a boyfriend. not because he wants her to himself. that's not it at all. he hates her. he hates the way she treats me. every boy wants my sister for her body. no one cares for her personality. she always has an attitude. but the reason why nate doesn't want her to have a boyfriend is because he hates the thought that another boy would potentially care about me or try to protect me. like i said he's obsessive. if there's something he's doing and is passionate about he doesn't want anyone else doing it. but i'm used to it. i've known him since i was four. our moms were kind of friends . his dad ended up cheating on nate's mom with my mom. no one really talks about it. his parents are still married. despite the cheating. nate doesn't like to talk about it. understandable i guess. he can't stand being around my sister. and he refuses to let his dad be around me, so where do we hang out? his truck. we spend so much time sitting in there,talking,laughing,and sometimes crying. no one sympathizes for nate. everyone just thinks he's an ass who deserves no sympathy. but not everyone knows him like i do. i don't know, maybe one day people will start to realize that they need to do a better job understanding him and why he does what he does. but it doesn't seem to bother nate that everyone hates him. as long as he has me. you know? all we have at the end of the day is eachother. yeah we have friends and family. but i know if i needed someone to kill for me,nate is who i'd go to. it's the same for him. but enough about him.

i'm bailey. i'm a sophomore in high school. i'm 15. people say i'm mature for my age. but it's just because i keep my mouth shut around people that aren't nate. he's the only person i can talk to without worrying about being judged. nate is 17. a junior in high school.

this town sucks. every teenager in this town is either depressed or a drug addict. or for some people,both. i want to run away. forget about everyone in this town. not gonna happen though. i don't know,i just wish i was living in a normal place with normal people. but i'm not.

"hey,hey are you listening"
nate tapped my shoulder
"um yeah"
"what are you thinking about over there"
he tuned his head
"um nothing"
he continued to talk about whatever it was he was trying to tell me about

i turned my neck as i sat in the passenger seat of his truck,starring out the window. outside the window it was grey outside and raining.

kill for eachother;nate jacobs Where stories live. Discover now