Chapter 10

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Dumbledore Arrest for Aweful Crimes

That's right you heard it Dumbledore arrested for crimes that have been proving which could end him with the Demetors Kiss or out him in a life in Azkaban

He is a pedophile who sexually assaulted twenty students, one of them even being our saviour, Harry Potter, who had already been sexually Assaulted by his own Uncle as well as abused and neglected by his said family all because Dumbledore kidnapped him and put him with those people who where paided to abuse him by Harry Potter's own money which Dumbledore stole and give to many families, to keep people on his side.

Not only this but he killed the Potter's not Voldemort, that right he did when apparently he wasn't there that day when truly he know everything, you might think he seen the memories but no he was there. He gave the Potter's and the dark lord a fake Prophecy that got them all killed. The Potter's went into hiding when originally the Potter's were on Voldemort side this whole time, so they confronted him only to find out he doesn't want to harm them.

Yes Voldemort was there that night was there to protect his trust worthy followers son, Hadrian James Potter, Harry for short. Turns out Godric Hallows was originally Dumbledore's home where he forced them to stay against there will, that's where Voldemort found them and protected them whole standing up against Dumbledore. But unfortunately things turns out not as they were meant to be for Voldemort because Dumbledore short the killing curse at him which also bounced off of little Harry Potter, killing Voldemort not full and leaving a mark on poor little Harry Potter's head meaning Voldedort didn't put it there Dumbledore.

Turns out the true Prophecy is between the light lord who is Harry Potter, the Grey Lord which surprisingly is Voldemort and the dark lord who of course is Dumbledore. Turns out this isn't the first time Dumbledore has been involved with accusing people of the falsehood about people because remember Gellert Grindelwald, well guess who his master was, that's right Dumbledore who too was his lover and planned everything out but what Gellert didn't know was that his lover had other plans and turned his back on him to make him - Dumbledore to seem like a saviour by defeating the great Dark Gellert Grindelwald, who Dumbledore made him the way he is today.

Who are the families that Dumbledore is involved with, how about his two children, Ronald Weasley aka Dumbledore and Hermione Granger aka Dumbledore. Ron stayed with his mother while Hermione's mother was killed by Dumbledore himself as she gave birth to her and gave her to a muggle family, but she new who she truly was the whole time because now and again he would meet her which he made sure to alter her adopted Parents memories. As for the rest of the Weasley clan turns out they are fully Arthur children including Ginny who is Molly's too but the others, her brothers other parents are Molly's twin Brothers turns out she was jealous of them being with Arthur who birthed the children himself, so she decided to make a deal with Dumbledore, practically the devil himself. Where he then made potions which she gave to Arthur as well as locking her twin Brother's away with the help of Dumbledore, but we luckily found them, turns out this whole time they didn't have there memories of anything to do with Arthur or Molly there own sister and moved to America and sbeen living there until now when they turned up at the Ministry who they thought they were dead because Molly Weasley said so, apparently burned to death in a fire while she was with her husband well with her twin brother's husband more like it.

Is there anything else that Dumbledore has done without us knowing or will be find about it all soon especially I hope to learn how he played us all pretending to be the light lord when this whole time it was the true dark side that will end up all standing right in front of us playing us like we are his puppets and he is the master



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