Chapter 6

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Cedric- I smirk putting my hand behind his head against the wall "Hello"

Harry- I huff "How do you do it?"

Cedric- "what when I have sex?"

Harry- "no, how can you think it's right to have sex with someone while cheating on your girlfriend"

Cho- I heard what he said seeing as he said it pretty loud "you did what?"

Cedric- I lean back smiling at her "oh don't listen to him love, he doesn't know what he is one about probably knocked his head"

Harry- "yeah when you fucked me last night in the prefects bathroom when originally I was there to find out what within the egg but then you seduced me and I wasn't acting like myself, I would never just sleep with someone especially someone who has a girl friend, especially when I lost my virginity to you when I was saving it for someone who actually cared for me for once"

Cho- "is he telling the truth Cedric"

Cedric-  I look between them both "I....I...I..."

Harry- "tell the truth Cedric, how I aren't the first person you have done it with especially with how many condoms you had in your pocket as well as two bottles of lube, it was like you planned it didn't you or was it because you have it incase, to fuck someone else other than your girlfriend"

Cedric- "yes it's true"

Cho- I slap "Cedric how could you do this to me!"

Cedric- "because you wouldn't let me fuck you, every time we are nearly getting close to fucking you refuse me"

Cho- "so you go and do it with someone else without me consent or me knowing about it!"

Cedric- "well of course a boy has needs, plus he wanted it"

Cho- "he's fourteen, he's a underage teenager going through the precious growth of becoming a man, when they get horny they forget everything unlike you who is a seventeen year old nearly eighteen yeah I know how getting horny is like but atleast you have more control then him after all you were the one who seduced him!" I turn to the boy seeing tear within his eyes "I am sorry he did this too you, seduce you into saying yes, luckily I am asexual and have more control over myself than he does" I say glaring at my soon ex boyfriend

Harry- "but I consent to it"

Cho- "did you have full thought like, remember about me?"

Harry- I shake my head "well no, not until I was back in the dorm"

Cho- "then it's not your fault, were as he, it's his fault and just lost his girlfriend"

Cedric- "but Cho"

Cho- "no, you put this on your self" I say walking away getting myself through the crowd that had formed around us

Cedric- I turn punching the boy which he lands on the floor. I point my finger at him "you are going to pay for this" I say before turning and going after Cho

Harry- I feel someone arm around me as I come out of the shock noticing I now have my hand on the cheek he hit me. I turn looking and seeing it was Malfoy who is now hugging me as I turn in his arms not caring as I break down crying because just for a second last night I finally thought that someone finally love me but turns out he just wanted pleasure



A Broken Mirror Of Ourselves - HPNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ