Chapter 5

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Cedric- "Meet me outside of the prefects bathroom tonight, I know how to open it"

Harry- "but what about the screeching?"

Cedric- "don't worry I found a way around"

Harry- I smirk "fine I will see you there"

Cedric- I smirk back "good"

---- Later on that night

Harry- I wait for everyone else to be asleep before grabbing my invisibility cloak and leave the dorm going to the prefects bathrooms. Once there I see him, I hide around the corner taking me cloak off and heading towards him "are you sure this will work?"

Cedric- "of course it will" I say opening the door and allowing him him

Harry- I look into the pool like bath filled already with fresh clean water. I hear movement of clothing making me sure around and blush at seeing him now standing before me naked. I turn doing the same and stepping into the water with the egg within my arms. I feel him get in behind me with his chest to me back.

Cedric- I lean down whispering in his ear "put it under the water and open it up" I feel him shiver

Harry- I do as said as I open it up when it was under water. I close my eyes expecting the piercing screech again but what comes out is a lovely rhyme in a soft magical singing voice "wow"

Cedric- I smirk looking down over his should and at his lips as I out my hands on his hips sliding one on his stomach and the other to the front of his chest "indeed"

Harry- I tilt my head up and looking up into his eyes noticing there was no colour left but black knowing it was lust. I turn my body into his seeing him looking down at my lips making my lips twitch a little bit.

Cedric- I lean forward "may it?"

Harry- I nod "yes"

(Warning underage sex coming it's way)

Cedric- I press my lips to his knowing that they would be as soft as I thought they would be. As I feel him leaning up to his, I lick his bottom lip making him gasp and allowing me in. Our tongues fight for dominate with me winning not long after as I slide on my hands from his waist and squeezing his amazing bubble butt arse that even bigger and more perfect then anyone I have been with before. After all he is more feminine shaped body with beautiful feminine features both face and body. With his long eyelashes which go well with his bright emerald eyes but unfortunately his glasses are normally in the way effect that look "you should get your eyes done, it costs a bit of money but your much more better without glasses" I say before kissing his full rosy colored nautrally blump lips.

I slide on of my finger between his crack and across his rose bud hole wondering if it would look good scratched around my dick. I pull away when he moan into my mouth when I slapped his arse loving the way my hand collided with it "do you consent to doing it with me?"

Harry- I smirk eye half lidded "of I sure definitely do"

Cedric- I smirk too "good, now lean on the side and out your behind on display for me" I say watching as he moves and does what I said. I walk over after pulling lube and a condom out of my pocket which I always have there just incase, never know even though I have a girlfriend doesn't mean I can't have sex with other people (please people who are reading this don't ever cheat one your lover it's extremely wrong) not that she knows I am doing that but I always make sure that no one tells after all they agreed to have sex with me but then don't agree for another round because they then remember afterwards I have a girlfriend.

I out some lube on my finger and swirled my middle finger around his hole hearing a whimper coming from him making me chuckle as I then slowly push my finger into his very tight virgin, on I so do love a virgin they are more pleasurable then those who have already been used. I slowly start sliding my finger in and out of his whole hearing little pants and moans coming from him "does it feel good Harry?"

Harry- I let out a moan "yes, please Cedric please more"

Cedric- I slide another finger in after that making scissor shapes with my hand stretching him more for me. I press in deeper and hearing aloud wanton moan coming from him knowing full well I hit his pleasure spot. I slide another finger in not keeping it in there too long. Once done stretching him, I open and slide the condom on. I pressed my head to his hole "are you sure you want this and if you want for this to ever stop during the fucking just tell me so, okay?"

Harry- I nod "yes, please yes" I say as I pressed back hearing him moan as his head slides into. He started sliding more into me after that until I feel myself feeling so full, there is something missing but I love that he fills me up so well.

Cedric- I slowly started sliding in and out of which doesn't last long before I slowly started to speed up as I hear him moaning for more and for it to be harder. I roughly fuck into him as much as I can making him a whithering, whimpering, moaning mess underneath on me

Harry- it does last long after he starting hitting that spot within me that I cum undo underneath him feeling my cum go all over my chest and stomach which meaning also onto the floor of the bathroom. A few more thrust from him and he's coming within but I wish he didn't have that condom on, so I could feel his release properly within side of me. Once done, he throws the condom away and gets out of the bath and drys himself off while I clean my release off before I get out too. Once dry and ready ee both leave with out egg in hand. When we are outside he kisses me and we leave separate way.

When I am back in the dorm. I take off my cloak putting it back in my trunk which I got more updated because I didn't want anyone getting into my trunk because I kept finding things missing for example my cloak and the map but luckily got them both back and safe, turns out Ron, Hermione and Ginny kept taking them which I knew they were either doing so to spy on me or to go for a meeting to Dumbledore at night while I was pretending to sleep but I always followed them anyway without them knowing because I have things where I can see the cloak which I know Dumbledore can too with his glasses which I stole and replaced them with a few charms on but not the enchanted one he had before as well as a necklace to get my name off the map or make them think I am somewhere else for example in the dorms while they are having an little adventures even though I am right behind them.

I lay down back in bed looking at the ceiling with a smile on my face before in slides off and my eyes widen "oh shit" I forgotten about Cho, Cedric girlfriend, how the hell didn't I remember that he had a girlfriend



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