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ch¹⁴- his moon


It has been a few hours since the attack, and now we are preparing ourselves for the journey through the forest, and to my beloved family. We had waited for the sunrise before we left, as the sun was a great source of help, both for directions, as well as safety.

Jungkook had explained to me that the soldiers would wait a few hours before carrying out the search here, or anywhere, to be sure that there wasn't any trap set up for them, it was how they usually worked.

Having said this, it had already been quite some time since the attack, and now stand fair chances, for them to arrive here any time.

The wait for the sunrise had served us as an interlude to rest our bodies and minds.

It is about seven in the morning, yet there's an eery silence that blankets the whole area. It almost feels as if the birds are mourning silently upon the destruction that had taken place; upon the death of fellow animals that had followed suit due to the deadly noises that had birthed of the attack. The layer of smoke that had settled down due to the cool night has now started to shift and lift, opening the doors to clear vision, and now the ruins of my home stand limply in front of me, reminding me of my loss.

Jungkook sits in front of me, propped against the bark of a tree as I tend to his older injuries as well as the new ones. When the last one of the shells had been dropped over the Outhouse, he had shielded me from the shockwave that had followed. The jerk that his body had endured due to that had given birth to new bruises upon his skin, though they were nothing of serious concern.

Nevertheless, he had complained about a pain in his neck, so I offered to check on it for him, which brings us to my current position beside him. I am leaned a bit over him on my knees, examining his right side of the neck for any visible injury. He has tilted his neck to the left to put the opposite area into clear view.
Finding nothing serious, I ask him to tilt his head the other way.

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