Part 88 - Bed Bound Bugaboo

Start from the beginning

The mother to be gave her a quick move with her head, to then let Adrien guide her to the exit and along endless seeming corridors until they arrived at the car.

They spent the ride home mostly in silence. Nathalie and Claire were with them in the car, the tired doctor in the passenger seat, while the concerned, compassionate and also pregnant female went into the backseat with the young couple. Keeping Marinette in the middle, so she would feel protection and support from both sides, the adult woman grasped the teenage girl's hand with her own left and patted it with her right.

"Don't be so scared, Marinette. Remember what you told me? Happy mommy, happy baby or babies in your case", Nathalie soothingly narrated with a gentle smile.

But the girl just let out a sob and pulled her arm back, covering her face with her hands, then did what neither of her family members had expected. Instead turning to Adrien for comfort she leaned her head against the former assistant's shoulder, wrapping her arms around her, startling the still with her emotions struggling woman.

Only trusting her just now awakening mother instincts, she reluctantly began to stroke along the girl's hair with one hand, while her other arm held the crying child in a tight grip, affirming her of her presence.

Adrien looked as if he was about to cry too. He swallowed hard though and tried to not feel hurt by his wife, choosing Nathalie over him.

The woman, who took a major part in raising him, shook her head slightly, barely noticeable to the boy, to signalise him, to not interfere.

Watching the woman he loved so much cry desperately into Nathalie's shoulder, the model eventually understood, that this wasn't a decision against him, but just what Marinette needed right now. Being held by another woman, who was able to understand the way she felt right now.

After they arrived at the mansion and the car came to a hold in front of it, Adrien calmly said:

"I'll take a few of our things inside, just take your time, Bugaboo, okay?"

The young woman was still crying, though her sobbing had calmed. Without lifting her head, she now nodded.

The only a couple of years older female turned her head and looked at him, before she quietly replied:

"How about I text you, when you can come back? Or maybe we just make it inside on our own, despite our 'handicap'?"

The cynical tone in Nathalie's voice made the weeping girl chuckle shortly, while Adrien looked flustered. He was about to tell her, that he didn't think, they needed the men's help in anyway, but the woman, whose red fringe had almost turned back to black by now, due to not dying it because of being pregnant, simply mouthed:

"Just go!"

She then turned her attention back to Marinette. Head dropping and shoulders falling, the young model went to the back of the car, to take a few of their things out of the trunk and bring them inside.

On the backseat a high pitched voice suddenly whined:

"Miss Nathalie, what is wrong with Miss Marinette?"

Duusu, who had been eager to come out of hiding for hours now, flew circles around their heads, as soon as she noticed, that they were alone.

Tikki and Plagg, who looked concerned too, hovered much calmer in midair, waiting for an answer to the blue Kwami's question.

Marinette lifted her head a little bit and held her hand out to the little peacock.

"Don't worry, Duusu, I am fine!", she said with a husky voice.

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