10 | Introspective: IV

Start from the beginning

     "I know so."


What is all this?!

     ༄ Inside the box revealed itself to be jewelries of pearls, but most noticeably a beautifully molded pendant which centered it's focus on a crystal within it. It was perfectly placed on what seemed like white, silky fabrics folded below it.

     My breath was shaky, my eyes glued to these items in what I didn't understand was either confusion or shock. My lips parted subtly with an exhale, a shaky hand of mine made it's way towards the pendant first. Cupping it in one hand, I took a closer look at it, inspecting the foggy crystal. I squinted my eyes in observance. This looks like. . .it could be apophyllite.

     Moving on from the necklace, my gaze shifted back to the box as I wondered why there were pools of pearls at the corners of this box and what the silky fabrics might be. Let's find out.

     The pendant's chain pooled on the table when I set it down gently. Grabbing ahold of the pearly jewelry and lifting it didn't exactly help me comprehend what exactly it was. A necklace? Bracelets? Body jewelry? A long earpiece?

     After a few seconds of examination I noticed a pattern in which the pearls circled in a bracelet form, but it was like four bracelets connected by a single line of pearls right through. I tried sliding it onto my wrist.

This is too big for me, it doesn't feel correct.

     It felt a lightbulb had gone off atop my head when I began rolling the pearls upward on my arm. I think it's meant to go onto my bicep? Surely enough, it tightened as the pearls spun on their way up my arm until they fit perfectly. I allowed myself to admire it for a couple of seconds. The white pearls shined and complemented my skin in such a mystic way. There was a second one just like this one, except the pearls were a bit smaller and it wouldn't roll past my forearm, it was already tight-fitted by then. So I'm guessing one is meant for my left bicep, and the other is for my right forearm. How fancy, what's this supposed to be for and what's the significance of it?

     Shrugging it off meanwhile, I got to work with gently pulling out what remained in the box and extended it. I had to stand up from my chair to fully extend this complexly folded attire, or what I assumed was attire due to how it already began to outline the figure of a human's body. Not to mention, it smelled of a person.

. . .but why was the smell so familiar?

     The last fold undid itself with a final drop to the floor. I immediately gasped.

     It wouldn't be a surprise to automatically understand that perhaps its smell was so familiar due to the fact it had the name of someone once close to me, right smack in the middle of the box. Literally engraved. But denial was at work in this situation for many reasons, whether I recognized said reasons or not.

     Revealed before me was a pure white dress. It was strapless, instead it was woven into golden bars that took the form of what looks like it belongs on the chest. These golden bars sprawled out in three; one that belongs right between the chest, and two shorter ends that maintain the breast areas' fabrics upheld. At the neck, the three golden bars meet in a beautiful horned emblem that then hugs all around the neck, assuming from the latch at the back of the circled bar. But those golden bars weren't the only ones on this dress. The dress was also woven into a bodysuit and it seemed there were an extra two circled bars connected to the pelvis area. I suppose they're meant to slip into so that the bars hug the thighs and cup the lower half of the butt cheeks. Lastly, the rest of the dress flowed drastically down to the feet, fading from the hips down to the toes in transparency. It also had two waist-high slits.

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