Chapter 15

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Caleb POV

"All I remember is going out after my birthday party and getting drunk, when I woke up I wasn't a Virgin." I simplified. "There so now you know, so please tell me you won't force me to marry against my will," I begged Chris.

"You being a virgin doesn't matter, nowadays no one waits for their true mate, and since omegas are rare, your even rarer, there would be no problem in finding you a mate," Christ said completely unfazed by the tears in my eyes.

"I won't do it!" I said putting my foot down. "You can't force me to marry a person I do not love, you can't force me to say those vows," I said getting angrier and then sad, I will not accept Dean's rejection, I would not be the reason my pack gets turned upside down.

"You have no choice!" Chris yelled at me, this is the first time he's ever yelled at me. I jumped back a little scared of his sudden outburst. "You would have a rouge or someone you don't know come and claim you as there's? You would risk your life because of your stubbornness? You're not a child anymore Caleb and it's time I stop cuddling you as if you are one." Chris said, anger laced in his voice. I've never made my brother upset before, I started to silently cry.

"You do have a say in who you are to wed but you will wed. I know this isn't fair, I know it's not your fault the Goddess made you an omega but this is the safest option for you and that's the end of this discussion." Chris said putting his foot down.

"I will never forgive you, Chris if you force me to marry, I will never forgive you," I said meaning every word.

"I understand, hopefully when you are older and wiser you'll see my reasoning and find yourself forgiving me," Chris said walking towards the door and leaving the hospital room.

I lay in the hospital bed letting the tears roll down the side of my face, this is my life now, I have to get married. I was about to close my eyes and let sleep take me when I smelled his delicious smell, chocolate. That smell makes my heart skips a beat and gives me goosebumps.

I lay still in bed unsure if I want to see him or not, 'should I call for help' I think to myself. I'm still very hurt and confused about what he did to me. I wish I could hate him, I wish I could be angry and demand he leave me alone but my heart will not comply with what my head is telling it. I still feel butterflies in my stomach every time I think of those Forrest green eyes.

Once Dean enters the hospital room he doesn't say anything, he just stands there staring at me, I look up at the ceiling unable to make eye contact, once I do I know I'll forgive him. Why can't I hate him? He's the reason I'm laying in a hospital bed, he almost killed me, and yet I'm still madly in love with him. I'm being forced into an arranged marriage and yet I still wish he"ll accept me as his mate. I use to think the mate bond was a blessing but now I see it as a curse.

"The words I'm sorry can't cover how deeply regretful I feel." Dean started to say. "Caleb I'm-"

"would you change what you did?" I asked cutting him off.

"Caleb you have to un-"

"would you change what you did!" I asked again raising my voice.

"No." he finally answered. I'm not going to lie that hurt, it hurts to know how little my life means to him when he means the world to me.

I swallowed my pain, I won't let him see me shed another tear for him. "Then what good is an apology when you don't mean it, you're here because you feel guilty, not because your feel remorseful, I don't accept your apology," I said standing my ground, he doesn't deserve my forgiveness.

"Caleb I thought the pack was in danger, if not I would have never tried mind controlling you." He said sort of like a plea for my forgiveness. "The pack wasn't in danger, you thought I was lying to you so you put my life in Danger, let's stop pretending," I said just done with his lies.

"Caleb I have to know, I had to protect my pack and I couldn't just trust your word for it. I'm sorry I hurt you, I'm so very sorry I hurt you, I thought I could control it, but I didn't have a choice." He said in a plea, Almost had me forgive him, the keyword almost.

"You had a choice Dean, the pack wasn't in immediate danger, you had a choice to wait and see if I was lying, you had a choice and you chose to put my life in danger, you made your choice what else is there to say ?" I asked finally looking at him.

Dean started to walk to the hospital bed so I turned over to face the wall, I didn't trust myself being too close to him. Dean sat at my feet on the bed, he put his hand on my thigh, and I felt a shock soon as he touched me. "There's something else you don't know, Sean told the group I was your mate." My heart stopped soon as Dean finished his sentence, I set up on the bed. Frozen for a second.

"Chris knows?" I asked in a whisper. Dean moves his hand on my face to stroke my cheek. "Yes, I'm sorry I know how much you wanted to tell him yourself, Sean didn't trust me to be alone with you anymore so he told the group to help protect you from me." He finished. Dean's hands on my face almost had me melt in his arms.

I remove his hand from my face. "I'm getting married," I said with little confidence.

"What do you mean you getting married? To who ?" Dean asked with a chuckle, I guess he doesn't believe me.

"Chris and the current alpha said I have to be married before your coronation, I don't know yet who I'm marrying but I am getting married." I finished with a little more convention.

The next thing happened so fast in a blink of an eye Dean was on top of me both hands pinning me to the bed. "You mine!" Dean yell


Short chapter because I have another one I'm posting tomorrow


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