finishing up my shower, I got dressed and opened my door, low and behold there was Peter

"What's up pet?"

"I have a question" he said and I motioned for him to come into my dorm, which he did

"What's up?"

"I like this girl in Hufflepuff and i have gone on a date with her, but I have no idea how to ask her to the dance, can you help?"

"I would love to, but i have to be inn Charms class in 20 minutes, how about I can help you after classes, when is you last on?"

"I have History of magic last, I think it gets over at 2:30"

"Oh that is great!  I have transfiguration that also ends at 2:30, lets say we both head to the common room after our classes and I can help you then"

"Yeah! That would be great!"

"Ok!" I laughed, but checking the clock, i now only had 15 minutes to get to Charms "now I really have to go if I don't want to be late for Charms"

"Ok, have fun"

"i will try" I laughed and Peter an i walked out of my dorm and started down the stairs "see you at 2:30ish" i said once we made it down to the common room

"Ready?" Sirius asked from his spot i had left him in


Sirius leaped of the couch, grabbed his things and led me out of the common room

(Potions class)

"Good morning everyone!" Professor Slughorn cheered as students started to pour into the classroom, I love professor Slughorn, but most people that have him, don't like, like at all "today we will be going over to the uses of Felix felicies, then after that we will brew the Exstimulo potion, this should take an hour, and i would like for you to work with you partners today!"

"The Exstimulo potion? What the hell is that"

"Siri's did you not read any of you book?"

"Tay, What do you think" he laughed

"Ok, true, it is a potion that improves a witch or wizards spell cast in both combat and Traces"

"Did you memorize the meaning?"

"No, I just read the page" I said and held up my book up for Sirius to see, in his defense he was across the table and di not see my book

"I knew that" he tried to play it cool, this was honestly so cute, but I would never tell him that

"Before I let you to start brewing the potion, I would like to inform this class that once we get back from Christmas break we will start to brew the Amortentia potion! Now you can start to collect the ingredients!"

Sirius's face blushed a little when the Amortentia potion was mentioned, I wonder why?

"You know who you going to smell in the potion don't you" I smirked and bump his a side a little when we got up to get the 4 ingredients

"Maybe, maybe not" he blushed even more


"Again, that Is classified information, that you will never hear"

"Git" I mumbled and walked into the supply closet

"What was that darling?"

"Nothing" I said, I already felt the blush come to my face at the word 'darling', but it was Sirius, he had a reputation for being the womanizer of the school, or that is what Lily has told me

(Narrators POV)

Little did Tatum know, Sirius  knew that he would smell her, the lilac perfume she uses and the coconut shampoo, the floral smell the just surrender her, and he knew that he did not need a potion to tell him who he fancied, Sirius had just come to terms knowing that he was head over heels for Tatum, but  what he didn't know, was that she felt the same way, but the both were to oblivious to see it and both to scared to admit their feelings

(Once again, Tatum's POV)

"Want to talk in my dorm or are you ok in here?"

"Can we talk in privet"

"Yeah of course"

Peter and I headed up to my dorm to discuss how he was going to ask his Hufflepuff crush to the Christmas dance

1,202 words

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