"–Manager-ssi got pissed at me and kicked me out the dorm so now I'm here on the tenth floor—" Taeyong, who was coincidently hanging in Yuta's room in the dorm. "Ah- Yuta? Annyong!"

Yuta smiled as he saw the Korean wave to the camera, and he waved back even though he knew he could see him; which gave him an idea:

hyuuung, accept my request!!

Yuta kicked the request to duel livestream, waiting for the elder to accept. Thankfully, Taeyong did, and Yuta made sure only his chest and up were visible but placed a pillow on top of his stomach Incase the phone slips.

"Czennies! Hello! It's been a while huh!" The younger said, smiling to the camera.

"Yah! Yuta! Why're you here? Shouldn't you be resting?" Taeyong asked.

"Probably, but I haven't spoken t the fans in a while, and I wanted to see them while I look decent." He turned his head slightly to the sides, showing off his jawline and handsome —or as Sicheng would say, 'Handsome? You wish, you're more on the pretty side.' which was followed by the Japanese growling at him— visuals to the fans, skin natural glowing, The only benefit from this pregnancy, honestly.

wooah so handsome!!

are my eyes playing tricks on me or is that Yuta here???

👁 👄 👁

Yuta and Taeyong talked for a bit, reading comments and answering some questions –both actively ignoring the questions about Yuta's health or where he was; Yuta had moved to sitting at his desk so he didn't have to hold his phone, of course taking his pillow with him to hug even though he could easily adjust the high of his chair so his body could be seen from over the desk. Sitting at his desk meant the bedroom's door was right behind him, in view of the camera.

In the kitchen, Sicheng has finished making a simple noodle soup and rice. Remembering how tired the elder was and decided to bring the soup to his bedroom. As he careful carried the bowl with both hands towards the room, he muttered to himself, "He better like this soup or else I'm not cooking ever again."

Turning the knob, he pushed the door open with his side, eye on the bowl to make sure he doesn't spill and called, "Yuta, here, I ma—" as he looked up he was confused when he saw the elder's mortified face as he scrambled with his phone. It took him a second that he realized Yuta had been on Instagram live with Taeyong and not just video calling that he mirrored the smaller's expression.

   Did the fans see me? The room's quite dark– we should open the curtains maybe— But what if they heard me and recognized my voice?!

He snapped out of his mild panicking when he heard the elder sigh, putting down his phone. Yuta at first didn't hear the opening of the door as he was chatting about the members with Taeyong, and only noticed the alpha had come in when he said something and panicked to turn leave the live; but judging from Taeyong's paling face as he was trying to turn off the live, Sicheng was heard clearly. Fuck fuck, they definitely heard— and so many fans always record Taeyong's lives- ah, we're fucked.

Yuta's scent grew sour as he thought of the bad outcomes of the situation; Sicheng realized and walked over, quickly putting the soup on the desk before hugging the elder, caressing his hair as he held him close to his body. He reasoned with him, "Look on the bright side, there isn't any too negative that'll come out of this; the most the fans can assume is that we're on good terms and are friends, or that we've been pretending to hate each other cuz the companies put us up to it to gain popularity." It was sort of true, when their members would tattle their fights to the highups they always told them it's fine, as long as they don't seriously injure themselves, the two's fights drew in the public, two of the top singers fight on the regular, who wouldn't want to see what's going on?

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