
That afternoon I was walking to the armoury intending to sharpen my sword when a blinding pain tore through my body and I gasped falling to the floor a scream tearing from my lips, I was gasping my vision flickering when someone called my name in alarm "Athena?" I couldn't answer, something was wrong with Merlin. 

I knew the pain I was feeling was just an echo of his but I could barely concentrate and I flinched as someone placed a hand on my shoulder, I forced the connection between me and my brother shut yanking myself away from his feelings and snapping back into my own body. 

I was shaking and covered in sweat, taking a deep breath I blinked clearing my vision and accepting the hand that was offered to me. I looked up to find myself staring at the concerned face of Sir Elyan, I braced myself against the wall rubbing my face and trying to banish the look of horror that I had seen on Arthurs face.

"Are you ok?" I jumped having forgotten about Sir Elyan who was giving me a confused look, I shook my head.

"We need to find Arthur" I said voice hoarse, clearing my throat I tried again "Get the Knights of The Round Table we are leaving to find Arthur" Sir Elyan nodded sprinting down the corridor to fetch the others, it wasn't until he was gone that I realised that I had used my princess voice no wonder he had been running. 

I stood up and headed straight for Morganas room ignoring the stares of the servants as I stormed past and not even bothering to knock I walk straight into Morganas chambers and she looked up in surprise as the door closed behind me.

"We need to leave now"  Morgana glared at me.

"Excuse me" she said clearly irritated but I refused to give her an explanation.

"Get dressed and meet me down in the courtyard" I said voice full of authority and she gaped at me taking in my noble bearing. Looking concerned she called out "Gwen" I turned heading for the door as soon as Gwen Lady Morganas maid entered the room.

"Yes My Lady?" she asked giving me a curious glance as I walked past.

"It seems we are going for a ride can you help me get dressed?" Morgana was looking at me as the door shut. 

I knew I was in full princess mode as Merlin would put it but I didn't have time to answer anybody's questions, I walked to my chambers bumping into someone on my way.

"Sorry" I apologised without looking to see who it was and I continued ignoring the gasp of surprise. 

I flung my door open and grabbed my cloak with Thea's crest and my father's sword also emblazoned with Thea's crest the only two things that I had allowed myself to keep from home, that and the ring I constantly wore around my neck which was the twins to Merlins. The cloak was a deep purple the colour of my kingdom but I knew that if anyone were to recognise it then I was going to have to explain why I had it, so I passed my hand over it turning the fabric red and changing the crest to that of Camelot's before throwing it over my shoulders and sprinting out of the castle. 

The Knights of the Round Table were just getting on their horses when I came down the castle steps Morgana and Gwen behind me, it was getting late and I knew that we only had a few hours before dark. 

Sefa was just leading my horse out of the stable and I thanked her as she handed me the reins. 

"Be careful My Lady" she said and I nodded swinging myself up into the saddle. 

"Ya" I said nudging my horse forward and we galloped out of the gates and into the forest. 


Half hour into the ride I opened up the connection that linked me to my brother and almost fell of my horse from the backlash of pain that raced through the link. 

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