🪴Gardener error 🪴

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Ink: italics
Dream: underlined
Blue: normal
Error: bold
Everyone else: underlined italics

Error loved farmer tale, life's garden, and plants in general. He never understood why but he always did, and you can guess how excited he was when he saw an AU which was only inhabited by animals, Forest, and old house, and a huge dead garden. Apparently this was a special place that Destiny lived in, but after fate made the multiverse so unbelievably unbalanced, she had no time for the garden. So she gifted it to Error.
Error was so exited! He could plant flowers, vegetables, trees, fruits and more! He got to work immediately.(Nightmare and the gang new about the garden, as well as the Chara's and Frisks.)


"I found Errors AU!" The creator announced to the court room. Cheers erupted and smiles rouse and brightened. Ink made a portal. "LETS GO!"
No one new what to expect from Errors AU, Fire? Destruction? A normal Snowden? Well they surely didn't expect to see the most beautiful forest they've ever seen. Everything was lush and beautiful, the air was young and sweet, though the sky was cloudy still the time. The birds were singing lovely tunes, and the nearby waterfall was absolutely amazing! They saw an old but cozy looking houses in the distance. They felt drops of water hit their skulls. It was raining, all the monsters who had never seen rain stared at the sky in aw. " Quick! Into that house!" The all teleported to the front door.

The skeletons that are with Ink are the following Red, Blue, Stretch, Dream and Classic.

With Error:

Error felt it,ink in his home. He ran to his room trying to fund something to use as a disguise. He found an old victorian dress and a velvet cloak that he could used to hide his face. Error summoned ecto hair and let it down on ether side of his chest, he looked around and saw a decorative fan with blue flower designs. He puled out a pair of long black gloves that went 7 inches above his elbow. He hurriedly put all of the clothes on, and just as he finished he herd the door bell ring. He took a quick look at his garden before he left to answer the door.

 He took a quick look at his garden before he left to answer the door

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Error one-shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora