"Say, ruh-member I told ya 'bout this big project over in Iptaj?" Will grinned as Michael nodded. "Remember I says, I gettin' some good hefty dough from it? Ruh-member that?"

"Yeah?" Michael's voice squeaked.

Will lowered his voice. "I know what I told the boys, but yer special, ya know? I'd been thinkin' 'n' I think real hard 'bout this stuff, ya know? I'd been thinkin' instead of givin' it to those dunce shittin' bastards, I'd give it to a smart kid instead. That'd be you," He thumped Michael's chest with a fist, "We'd split the cash. Just the two of us."

A dog bark startled Michael and he jumped in his shoes. "Y-You'd give it to me?"

"Yeah, yer more worth than 'em dunces. And that means ya get to come with me. I think you're ready. Travel the world was yer dream, wasn't it? Ya wanna come, dontcha? We'd head up on Evrenland first 'n' then fast off to the sand lands."

Will stood back and grinned. He never missed the slight lift of Michael's brows, or the way the kid relaxed his shoulders. Will was good at body language, but only reading it. Much too narcissistic to remember to hide his own.

He rolled his shoulders now, completely at ease and relaxed, knowing he had the floor.

"All ya need to do is git me the gun 'n' a few rounds would be nice. When ya git back, we'll round up the lolly-suckers 'n' find a good joint, see?" He cocked his head and waited until Michael reluctantly nodded.

"You'd really take me?" Michael asked.

Will nodded. "I promise." He paused, watching Michael's face of doubt change to a face of determination.

"Alright," he said at last.

"Good lad," Will held out his hand and they shook on it, "fetch 'em guns for the boys while you're at it," he said.

Michael gave a nod and ran back to his house. Will watched him go with a smile on his face. He was good at controlling people and making them do exactly what he wanted them to do.

Hours later, Will, Michael, and four other boys arrived at a little café in a small town called Heather in Westerfield State. It was still considered broad daylight, but Will thought he should be bold for the Red Circle to notice him. Telling Michael to keep watch outside, he burst into the little café.

"Hands up, this is a heist and we're comin' for ya dough!" Will shouted and set the gun. "I'll shoot ya if ya try to escape. Fork over yer money!" Despite his assertiveness, the people didn't seem to take him seriously. One of the older men near the door moved. Will sighed in annoyance and shot him square in the chest. The woman sitting near the man screamed and ran to his aid, but Will shot her, too.

"Now ya'll take me seriously? Benny, Paul, ya know what's ya have to do!" Then Will went around shooting anyone that even looked non-compliant. When he saw the blood gush out of a leg or the chest or the face, his heart thumped with adrenaline. All these peoples' lives were in the palm of his hand.

"Boys, let 'em have it! Leave no witnesses!" He commanded and the two boys by the door took out guns and began to shoot the people up, not caring if they were missing or hitting. Will ducked out of the way and stood at the door as bullets flew, people screamed and cried, and blood stained the floor. Will Cooper thought he should have been named Chaos Cooper because that was what he brought wherever he went.

Everything was going just as he planned when a shadow in the corner moved and one of the boys fell on top of a table and groaned. Will slowly turned his head. Benny and Paul with the money bags were scrambling over tables, chairs, bodies, and blood.

"Paul!" Benny shouted in a shrill voice, threw the bag down, took out his knife to throw it when his hand was shot.

"Ahh! Cap'n!" he called to Will and Will saw the man at last. He had been wearing a black cloak and suit with his hat covering his eyes. Will couldn't even see the gun, but he heard it and saw his boys fall.

Alive At Crepusculum ✓ [TPL Book One]Where stories live. Discover now