Chapter 7

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Miley POV

As I am getting ready for my interview with Ellen DeGeneres, I take deep breaths in and out. Ellen has seen me go through everything and has stuck by my side through it all. After my 2013 VMA's, there was a lot of bad talk about me, but she never said anything that would hurt my feelings. I remember the first time I was on the show. It was with my Dad and she brought up a picture of the 3 Jonas brothers. She asked me which one I thought was the cutest and without hesitation, I said, Nick. I hear her over the loudspeaker giving me my introduction and I keep revising on what I am going to say.

As she says " and here she is, Miley Cyrus!" I walk in with a big smile on my face, waving to all of my adoring fans until I reach Ellen. I give her a hug and sit down on the couch.

"Miley, I haven't seen you in so long. How has it been?"

"It has been great! How have you been?"

"I have been amazing." She looks down at her cards and says, "I have learned that you are here to tell me something." 

"Yes I am but this is actually for all of you," and I look towards the fans and at the camera, "I am sorry to say that Liam and I are no longer together. It was a mutual decision but we realized that we weren't as happy as the media put us out to be and I couldn't keep on living a lie."

"I am so sorry to hear about that. Both of you were together for quite a while, right?"

"We had a very on again off again relationship, which lasted for nearly 8 years. We split up for a while in 2013 but got back together in 2015, so we have been with each other for 2 years straight now."

"So, there was a rumor that you were at Demi Lovato's house with Nick Jonas and both of you spent the night there."

I hesitated but I knew that if I lied or said something else it would get out into the open soon enough. "I have been really good friends with Demi since our Disney days and I was obviously heartbroken because after 8 years, Liam and I did have feelings about each other, so I just went over to her house to be comforted and just to spend time with a friend that I hadn't talked to in a while."

"What about Nick Jonas?"

"He was there as well," I said reluctantly

"Does that mean there is something between the 2 of you?"

This time I had to lie. Our relationship just started and I need to talk to Nick first about announcing 'us' fully to the public."I don't know. I mean I just broke up from a relationship so I think I just need to be single for a while."

"Okay well, thank you so much for joining me and I hope you have a great day!"

"Thank you so much, and hopefully we will talk again soon."

We hugged goodbye and I left the studio. I looked at my phone, which was once again filled with messages but ignored them because they were all about Nick, Liam and I. Did I say the wrong thing? Should I have lied about Nick's whereabouts?

As I was walking towards my car, I once again was surrounded by paparazzi. They began to ask questions like "Is Niley together again," "Will we see a new duet with you and the Jonas Brothers," "Are you and Liam over for good, or is this going to be 2015 all over again." Luckily, I had my bodyguard with me and he escorted me to my car and he sat in the front seat. As I was sitting in the backseat the last comment really stood out to me. "Will this really be 2015 all over again." I knew it wouldn't be a relapse since the only reason we got back together in 2015 was because I saw how hurt he was and decided to give him a second chance. I didn't know how I felt at that point in time but this time around I do. I know that I do not love him and I know that no matter how long I am with him, I will never love him as much as I love Nick.

Nick POV 

I decide to call Miley to see how she is feeling after that interview with Ellen. It takes a few rings but finally, she picks up.  

"How was I? I was so nervous I was sweating so much. Could you tell?"

"Miley, calm down, you were amazing. How are you feeling now? Still nervous?"

"I actually feel like this big burden of stress was just taken off my shoulder but I know that this breakup will bring a lot more."

"Do you wanna come over to mine. I know that you are sort of homeless right now, I have a guest room if you want to stay there."

"That would actually be awesome. Thank you so much, Nick. I'll just have to go to Demi's to pick up my stuff."

"Oh ok come soon and the room is already ready for you to stay in."

"You are amazing. I will be there in 30."

"Great see you soon!"

I am so excited that the love of my life is going to be staying with me. Hopefully, that brings us closer to that relationship we were hoping to start. I decided to freshen up a bit before she arrives and right on time, there was a knock on the door. 

"Thank you so much for letting me stay," she says as she comes in for a hug

"It is no problem," I say as she releases me from her grip. "The closets are completely empty for you to put your clothes in," But I look at her hands and see the small bagged that is stuffed to the top with essential items. "Maybe once you have finished settling in we can go out for dinner?"

"That would actually be amazing. Today has been a really long day." And then I escort her to her room which was right beside mine on the first floor, and she begins to unpack her things. 

I leave the room and walk back down to the living room to watch some tv. Suddenly, I saw an interview between James Cordan and Liam. I could not believe what I was hearing.

"I just couldn't believe that after all of this time, all of the years we were together, she would cheat on me." Liam said, faking a sad face.

"Are you certain that it was her?" James asks, trying not to sound too pushy.

"I saw her with my own two eyes. She was backstage and I was about to go into her dressing room to wish her good luck for her performance when I saw her kissing... Nick Jonas."

The entire crowd gasped. Even James put on a surprised and sad look.

"They were sitting on her couch and I just couldn't take any more hurt. I only opened the door a bit, but I knew that it was her and Nick. We haven't been on good terms for a while but I never thought she would go behind my back and do this." 

I hadn't realised that Miley was standing behind me watching the segment with an open mouth, unable to believe what she just saw.

"How Dare He!!!" She screamed, "I knew he wasn't there and now he is just making up some story!"

I quickly switched it off before I swiveled my body to face her.

"Don't worry about it-"

"Don't worry about it! Half of the world has probably seen this and thinks I am a cheater." She interrupted.

"I think we are both just very hungry, so let's go out okay."

 "Okay," she said softly.

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