"You should get some rest too." Bellamy said and sat next to Cassy resting his back on the wall of the stoned cave.

"You sound more tired, you need to sleep too." Cassy retorted back.

"Yeah but you look more tired so you win." He answered cheekily back. "Tell you what. You sleep first while I keep watch and then I wake you up when I want to sleep." Bellamy suggested his idea and Cassy thought about it.

"Okay, wake me up in two hours." She said, laid her back on the wall and rested her head on Bellamy's shoulder. She thought about asking but her eyes were already becoming droopy and before she knew it she was already consumed by the blissful sleep awaiting for her.

As Cassiopeia was asleep Bellamy played with Cassy's brown hair without waking her up. He didn't want to wake her up even though the two hour limit she had assigned had passed already. He knew she needed the sleep, but both, Bellamy and Cassy were startled when Charlotte started talking in her sleep very loudly.

"No!" Charlotte said with her eyes still shut. She must be sleep talking Bellamy thought. He felt a weight from his shoulder leave and saw Cassy rubbing her eyes to wake herself up.

"Is she okay?" Cassiopeia asked when she adjusted to the dark.

"Charlotte, wake up." Bellamy said and got up to check on the girl.

"I'm sorry." Charlotte said when Cassy joined them.

"Does this happen often?" Bellamy asked.

"What are you scared of?" Cassiopeia asked and put her hand over the girl's shoulder.

"You know what, it doesn't matter." Bellamy said when the girl didn't respond. "The only thing that matters is what your going to do about it."

"But. I'm asleep." Charlotte said confused.

"Fears are fears. Slay your demons when you're awake, they won't be there to get you when you sleep." Bellamy responded.

"Yeah, but how?" Charlotte asked as she looked at both of them.

"You can't afford to be weak. Down here, weakness is death. Fear is death. Let me see that knife I gave you." He said and Charlotte reached in her pocket and retrieved it.

Bellamy grabbed the knife carefully from Charlottes hand "Now when you feel afraid, you hold tight to that knife, and you say 'screw you. I'm not afraid.'" He said and then gave the knife to Cassy.

Cassy retrieved the knife and said in a clear voice "screw you. I'm not afraid." Cassy then gave the knife to Charlotte.

The girl took the knife and held it steadily in her grasp. "Screw you. I'm not afraid." She repeated just like Cassy and Bellamy had did. "Screw you. I'm not afraid." She said once again but this time more confidently.

"Slay your demons, kid. Then you'll be able to sleep." Bellamy said and sat back where he originally was.

"Fear is nothing more than an obstacle that stands in the way of progress. In overcoming your fears, we can move forward, stronger and wiser within ourselves." Cassiopeia said and then planted a small kiss on the girls forehead. "Go back to sleep." Cassy said and then sat next to Bellamy again.

"Where did you learn that from?" Cassy asked.

"My mother and then eventually I kept saying it to O." He replied referring about Octavia.

"Your a good brother. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise." Cassy said as she peered into Bellamys eyes. "You should get some rest too." Cassy said.

Cassiopeia KaneWhere stories live. Discover now