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Reverse Flash (Eobard Thawne)- 4/10- Has the knowledge and ability but lacks a major vendetta (that we know of) against the Bats

Professor Zoom (Hunter Zoloman)- 4/10- See Reverse Flash

Other assorted speed villains (Savitar, Godspeed ect.)- 2.5/10- See Reverse Flash

Deathstroke- 6/10- Knowledge, time travel experience- But unlikely to go this far just to get rid of Batman, - However Grant Wilson being alive is possible motive, but Rose Wilson being dead undermines that motive- Further research required

Darkseid- 4/10- Is capable but this plot is likely too small scale for him

Mongul- 3/10- see Darkseid 

Vandal Savage- 4.5/10- Has the resources and knowledge however this is not his usual M.O


"So Timberly what's our next move?" Jason calls from the kitchen.

"I really wish you people could just use my actual name, it's Tim, T-I-M, not Timberly, not Tim-Tam, not Timbers, and most certainly not Timberlina." I huff out in annoyance, I mean really how hard is it to just use my damned name?

"What about shiver me Timbers? Or Tiny Tim? Is baby-bird still okay?? Tell me baby-bird is still okay!!" Dick exclaims dramatically from where he's still hanging from the couch.

Feeling the beginnings of a migraine coming on I close my eyes and rub my temples as I wonder how Dick Grayson is both the oldest of us all and yet somehow more childish than the actual child...Or moody teen now I suppose.

"Fine, baby-bird is fine, it's not like you could really help yourself if I actually did tell you not to." I sighed.

Jason's laugh bounces off the small walls of the safehouse,

"Some people just have no self control, you're an embarrassment dickface."

Dick sticks out his tongue at him like the mature adult he is, still upside down on the couch, but now  the sounds of candy crush can be heard from his phone.

Jason rolls his eyes,

"But for real, what's our next move replacement?"

I resist the urge to bang my head on my desk, settling for kicking a file cabinet instead, the sound of which startles Dick, or maybe all the blood finally rushed to his head. Either way he topples from the back of the couch, but like the asshole he is still manages to  turn his fall into a half back-flip maneuver followed by an impromptu tumbling routine that lands him directly in my personal space. Naturally he takes the opportunity to in the words of the demon spawn 'accost me with affection', he's lucky I don't spend as much time on my hair as I used too otherwise I'd be a lot more pissed and he'd have a hand full of Gell. Also that I feel bad for his Wally pining, bad enough to let him give me the full octopus hug he's so fond of. As hard as he might try he's still the only one trying, other than maybe Steph, either way one man, albeit one with octopus like hugging powers, is not enough to rid me of the uncomfortable, anxious feeling that physical affection gives me. Jack and Janet Drake were not the most touchy feeling of people, not to mention all the years with Bruce, sometimes I wonder if Dick became so tactile and affectionate just to spite him, like a sad touch starved kid's form of rebellion.

I force myself out of my head, despite the fact that several minutes have now passed Dick still has me in his unreasonably-difficult-to-escape-just-let-me-love-you-little-brother-hug (patent pending), I maneuver my face away from where it was trapped against his chest and shoot him a look.

"Don't make that face baby-bird, with Dami stuck at assassin HQ, I'm not getting the amount of little brother time that I'm accustomed to!"

Jason coughs from across the room,

"You're basically living with me, Timbo's here all the time and the demon still manages to show his face often enough to make me wish I still used actual bullets. Also lets be honest here, we all know that the brat would have his katana out by now if you tried to hug him this long, hell I'd be shocked if you managed twenty seconds without getting stabbed." 

Still hugging me Dick makes a face at Jason earning him a one finger salute in return.

Dick huffs out a long suffering sigh and finally releases me, at that I immediately put a few feet of distance between us lest he attempt round two.

He frowns for a moment before he turns to Jason with a triumphant smirk,

"I will have you know that not three months ago we hugged for forty-five seconds! Ha!"

Jason raises an eyebrow, "Oh really? And that wouldn't by chance have taken place when Alfred drugged his tea three months ago to keep him from patrolling on a broken leg?"

I bight back a laugh at that, remembering how grumpy the gremlin had been about being benched, at the time I was just thankful it wasn't my drink Alfred had laced with sedatives that time.

Dick, less amused than Jason and I, huffed his way back to the couch, retrieving his cell as he went, moments later angry birds music permeated the apartment. I rolled my eyes and gestured Jason over to my desk so we could work out a new game plan.  

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