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It was official, after the Luthor-Op disaster my brothers and I were officially at the very top of every US affiliated government organization and superhero team. The only good thing that came out of the whole debacle was the distraction it proved to be for Kon. With four highly trained terrorists on the loose he didn't have time to notice my sudden and abrupt change in personality (and body type...and family...and possession of badass vigilante fighting skills, ect..).

So while Kon spent most of his time with the team as they attempted to track my brother's and I down, I spent just about every waking moment attempting to compile a list of possible supervillian suspects. At that moment I was once again in Jason's safehouse, which by then we'd started referring to as either "The Hoodcave" or "The Low Budget-Batcave", both of which shortened to just "the cave" despite the fact that we were currently operating out of a tenth floor, three bedroom apartment in Crime Alley.

As I'd been doing for the past few days I threw out the name of yet another evil mastermind hopeful, "Vandal Savage."

From his upside down position on the couch, Dick made a skeptical noise, "I dunno Timbers, doesn't really feel like his style yunno? Vandal's more of an up front, in your face world domination kind of guy, like I mean yeah he probably could do this, but at the very least I think he'd be in some super obvious position of power."

I sighed, "Yeah, you're probably right, I figured we should at least consider him though on account of his ability to actually pull something like this off."

Dick hummed in acknowledgment before going back to what I could only assume was yet another ill advised deep dive into Wally's social media.
"Okay so that's a soft no Savage " I announced to the room as I updated my Excel spreadsheet on the subject, currently titled 'Rogues with Reason and Resources' , AKA the R trifecta.

What Tim has so far after ruling out the most unlikely candidates

Batmite- 8/10- Has the means, motive and knowledge to pull something like this off, however he usually makes himself known in some way- further research required, specifically into Bruce Wayne of this world- Will get to work setting up round the clock, all inclusive surveillance, and a potential staged encounter with one of us (Dick or Damien). -If inconclusive look into potential ways to summon the imp (As done by Raven in the past)

Mr.Mxyzptlk- 7.5/10- See Batmite, less likely culprit as his obsession is with Superman and not Batman- This could be a result of the rivalry between the two- Which would explain why Lex Luthor is president, a move Batmite could have pulled after his rival erased Bruce's past as Batman- however it is highly that this is the case because 1: We can be reasonably sure that Batmite was not the entity who  pulled us from the time-stream- If he was he would have likely appeared as himself- and 2: Too much time has passed without any perceptible change to this universe, if this was the imps they wouldn't have been able to leave it in just our hands. 

Klarion the Witch Boy- 6.5/10- Has the abilities necessary to pull this off, a history with several batfamily members, but little with Batman himself, meaning he is unlikely to care enough to pry into Bruce's past specifically. (Also it would be a total dick move after I (Tim) rescued Teekl for him last month......Which...-Note- If lack of viable leads persists consider looking into summoning Klarion-He does owe Tim a favor) 

Ra's al Ghul/ The League of Assassins- 7/10- Has the knowledge, information and motivation, however time travel really isn't their M.O, 

Court of Owls- 6.5/10-  See Ra's al Ghul/LOA 

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