Chapter one: The Sandwich

Start from the beginning

The head turn seemed to last an eternity, as their hearts beated faster, the boy turned around slower, knowing his effect on people. As the ex streamer moved, the girls admired the beauty in front of their eyes. Yeah, the boy was an asshole, but the most good looking one. The first thing the girls could see as they prepared themselves for death, was the cleanest side profile, with strands of curly jet black hair wrapping around his face , some bits longer than others, which fell right on top of his eyes, covering his well defined eyebrows and accentuating the extensive length of his dark lashes. The curve of his nose, gave his face the perfect figure as it was just the right size, not too long, not too short, not too round, not too pointy. His lips. Oh, his lips. You wouldn't consider his mouth big, nor small, just an average size, as his upper lip was thinner than his lower one, the latter standing out in a rosy pink color. The most addicting thing about watching his side profile was definitely his jawline, as it looked as if by just looking at it you could get a deep cut. It just embraced his whole face in a way that contoured it as if it was a work of art and needed the most expensive frame.

Eyes. His eyes were the first thing Mac saw as he faced the group completely. He locked his eyes with hers as he stood up and walked to the girls direction. His pupils focused directly on hers as a mixture of dark brown and honey danced in his eyes, giving the color to his orbs. Brown wasn't an unusual eye color, yet, something about these maroon magnets seemed to make the girl's stomach flutter with butterflies anxiously and weirdly attracted to them. The male made his way through the cafeteria, leaving his hands inside his pants' pocket, as he advanced with a superiority complex in between the tables and through the corridor. With each step the dark haired boy took in their direction, Mac felt her chest thump faster as her heart pumped blood through her system, especially her cheeks. The boy stopped when he was barely a meter away from the table, still with his orbs focused on the girl and proceeded to take a sit next to her.

"Waddup baby" the boy spoke, with a deep soothing and raspy voice,still staring into the girl's eyes.

At the sound of his voice, shivers went down Mac's spine, she didn't remember his voice to be SO deep.

"So... i'd like to hear to the answer to that question", the deep voice spoke and cracked a smirk to emphazise the so called cockyness her friends were talking about seconds earlier. "What do you think about me?"

To say she was dumbfounded was an understatement, the boy looked like the finest painting, somehow even the mona lisa would be jealous.

"Speechless already?, i thought we could atleast talk for a while before u got flustered, princess" he added as he took a bite of the sandwich that Mac was still holding. And thats when she had enough. 

Not because he was an asshole, not because of his cockyness, but because he took a bite from her sandwich.

"What's your fucking problem?" The girl snapped in an annoyed tone as she moved away from the male while holding close to her chest the food.

"Oh she talks. i'd love to hear more of your voice, specially with words like fucking" the boy retored, accentuating on the last word to make clear the double meaning behind them.

"Don't you have better things to do rather than eating other people's food? Or do u only feed from broken hearts?"

"There are some other things i'd like to eat..." The dark haired boy commented while looking at the girl in front of him with the most devious smile. At the gesture, Mac coudn't stop herself from flickering her eyes to his radiant smile, and instantly felt her cheeks turn warmer.

The boy seemed to notice the effect his smile had on the female, even if he didnt notice, his ego and confidence were so over the top that he was certain it would produce some sort of effect in the opposite gender. At this realization, the boy's smile grew wider as he leaned forward, getting closer to the girl's face. Mac saw his eyes flicker from her eyes, to her nose, to her lips.... And she wondered, feeling observed and insecure, why did he have to be so fucking gorgeous.

While the girl was deep into her thoughts, lowkey panicking by the closeness of the male, he took this to his advantage to take another bite of her lunch, and in a second, getting back into the sitting position he was before, a metre away from her.

"Your mother must be an excellent cook, everything she makes seems to be... tasty"

Fighting against the thumping on her chest, the girl couldn't help but laugh out loud at the boys remark.

"You really couldn't find a more original pick up line" she managed to say, trying to hold her laughter, "im sure all the girls fall for you just with that reused one", she finished, sarcasm evident in her laugh.

At the sound of the girls laugh, a hint of curiosity mixed with something the girls couldn't quite describe appeared in the boys eyes, as he looked at the laughing female before him. If possible, his smile widened up, making a dimple pop on his left cheek.

"I didnt quite get your name" he said, no hint of flirtiness whatsoever in his voice.

"Im Mac", the girl responded as her laugh died down.

"I guess i'll see you often, Mac" he responded, as he stood up from his place beside the girl. "And hopefully eat some more of your sandwiches", he added with a wink and proceeded to walk back to his table, with the exact same cocky attitude from when he arrived.

The rest of the females present at the table stared at her friend in shock, excitement and confusion, as a result of the conversation they just saw unfold before their eyes. Two minutes. That was all it lasted. Nonetheless, for the girls it seemed like an eternity, therefore, their shock grew as Mac continued to munch on the so called tasty food as if the situation didn't happen.

"So you're just gonna ignore the fact that you flirted with corpse over a sandwich?" Ophelia exclaimed.

"Damn mac, i don't recognize u" Sara added. It was true, the girl had never been seen flirting with someone before, let alone a guy, let alone a flirt , let alone CORPSE.

Don't be mistaken, the girl was a beauty; long dark hair, with glints of caramel at the tips of her hair, small face in a darker color complex, intelligent but soft dark eyes accompanied by a toned petite nose and a light color on her lips. The girl was tall in comparison to her comrades, but that didn't keep her from having a small frame and a hourglass body. She was Gorgeous. Yet, her inability of getting a man, relied on her shyness when meeting new people. Mac was rather what you would call an introvert, at the moment of making new friends that is , as you grew to know her, you'd see her demeanor change to a more relaxed one. To say that her friends were impressed by the natural way in which she managed to flirt talk with corpse was understandable.

"We were just talking... how do u even manage to get flirting from that"

"Well, it was definitely NOT a normal conversation" Lucy answered behind her.

"LITERALLY WHAT WAS THAT" The loud one spoke, "he even asked for your name... has he ever done that with any of the girls he's been with?"

"Not even once, not that i know of" another one responded, "this is big, Mac, dont u get it?"

"I Guess he really isnt that bad...." Mac said with a light tint of pink on her cheeks, making the rest of the table squeal in a mix of emotions.

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