❤︎Shorts #7: CJ Finds Out About Daz's Breakdowns❤︎

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It was the middle of the night in the safe house. CJ wasn't able to go to sleep, so she decided to just walk around the house until she got tired. She then heard sobbing coming from Daz's room. She peeked inside and saw Daz hugging her knees, sobbing. "I-..I can't sleep..I'll j-just stay awake.." Daz said. CJ had a concerned look. "D-Dazzy..?" CJ said. Daz eye widened at CJ. "N-...no..Y-YOU CAN'T SEE ME LIKE THIS!" >💧_💧< Daz exclaimed. "Daz..what's wrong..?" CJ asked, sitting on her bed. "..CJ..I think it's time I told you something.." Daz said. "W-..what..?" CJ said. Daz then explained a story to CJ. After a few minutes, she was finished. "D-Daz..t-that's horrible!" 😰 CJ exclaimed, with tears streaming down. She then hugged Daz. "I-..I'm ok now..just a little PTSD.." Daz said. "Daz..I don't think it's a little.." CJ said. Daz then began to tear up, than hugged CJ. "Y-you're right..I have nightmares every night and I can never get any sleep.." Daz said. "Well, how about I sleep in here tonight.." CJ suggested, smiling at Daz. "Ceej..you don't have to.." Daz said. After a few seconds, CJ was fast asleep in Daz's arms. "You know..this does kinda help.." Daz said with a smile. She then laid down with CJ in her arms, falling asleep.

                              Short Ending
            Daz's backstory coming soon

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