❤︎Shorts #6: Harper's Babysitter❤︎

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Harper was playing with toys in his room. "Harper?" Eva asked. "Yes, Mommy?" Harper answered. "The Spy Ninjas and I need to go out for a mission, you're gonna have a babysitter watching over you, ok?" Eva said. "Okie, Mommy!!" Harper said with excitement in his voice. After a few minutes, there was a knock at the door. It was opened to reveal a man in a black hoodie. "Hello, Ms. Clay, was it?" The man said. "Yes, thank you for looking over my boy. We have important things to take care of and he can't be here alone." Eva said. "No problem, good luck on your missi-...I-I mean your situation!" The man said. Eva then walked into Harper's room. "The babysitter is here, be good." Eva said with a smile. She then kissed Harper's forehead and walked out of the house with the Spy Ninjas. The 'babysitter' then walked into Harper's room. Harper looked a bit afraid. "Hello buddy..now that no one's here I can tell you who I am.." the man said. He then got close to Harper. "I am then stalker.." he said. Harper eye widened in shock. "D-da..stalker..?!" He exclaimed. The Stalker then got out tape and put it sound Harper's wrists, ankles, and put tape on his mouth. He was muffling a lot with tears streaming down. The Stalker pushed Harper onto the ground and began slapping him. "Be quiet, and if you tell anyone that I'm the stalker, I'll do a very bad thing to you.." The Stalker said. He then shut Harper's door and locked it. "M-Mommy..please help me.." Harper said in his mind. After an hour, The Spy Ninjas came back. "Hello, how was Harper?" Eva said. "Oh, he was just the sweetest! He's sleeping now. I probably should be heading out." The Stalker said with a fake smile. He then headed out of the safe house. Eva then tried to go inside Harper's room, but it was locked. "He never locks the door.." Eva muttered. Vy then came over and lock picked the door. Eva entered and gasped. Harper was on the ground, passed out and tied up. She ran over to him and began untaping him. Harper then woke up and saw his mom. "M-MOMMY!" Harper screamed. He then jumped into his mother's arms. "Baby! What happened to you?!" Eva exclaimed. Harper thought of what The Stalker said before. But he didn't care. "D-da babysitter w-was..Da Stalker!" Harper exclaimed, hugging his mom while sobbing. Eva pulled Harper closer to her. "It's ok..he's gone now.." Eva said, stroking Harper's hair. Harper then calmed down and fell asleep. Eva stood up and sat on Harper's bed. She then laid down and fell asleep with her son in her arms.

                               Short Ending

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