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Keela didn't reply to Sana's calls. The idea her friend could even be with Lee drove her insane.

The man was of the worst type. Sana was too naive; Lee was a handsome man attracted to mature and sophisticated women. Sana was too plain, and Keela didn't buy the idea the man who rejected all would fall for Sana in her chubby mode.

It didn't add up. There was Lee's situation with Sana but also the man's constant intervention in her story.

The lift opened, and in stepped Lee, providence seemed to be on Keela's side.

"Good morning."

Lee remained silent; he preferred to keep his mouth shut. It was the only way to prevent him from verbally slaughtering the woman on the spot.

"I see you're stooping lower every day. Not even a hello," Keela said.

"Mrs. Willis, no one is stooping lower than you at the moment. Happy Friday," the lift door slid open and Lee took a step out, but Keela reeled him back. The doors shut, and Keela blocked the lift.


Lee sighed, "listen, I've already expressed all I had to say. I don't want to talk to you."

"You are pure evil, Lee Cook. How dare you tell Micheal to leave me. Stop butting into our lives. It's none of your business."

"Micheal is a big boy who carries his bollocks. He doesn't need me to make a decision. And stop talking of Micheal and you as an entity the notion of you and him, does not exist," Lee freed the lift, which resumed its course.

"You like it don't you playing with people's lives?"

"Come on, Keela, stop acting as if you're in love. You are indulging yourself by destroying someone's marriage. You have no notion of decency."

Keela chuckled and touched her forehead, "aren't you a daft one? How can you allow yourself to give such lessons? You have spent the last two years insulting and aggressing people. Here you are speaking of decency."

Lee waved her hand at her, "listen, Ms. Willis, I don't have time to play with you."

"Play, whose playing with Sana?"

This time Lee pressed the lift stop button and turned to face her, "leave Sana out of this."

"You brought Sana into this when you decided to use her."

Lee furrowed his eyebrows, a peeved expression adorned on his face, "use her? What on earthㅡ."

"Come on; everyone knows you don't want to get fired. You're only grafting around Sana to save your shitty arse. You invited her to Janet's wedding to discredit her. You'll probably say something like the woman's acting up because I rejected her."

"You are crazy; I'm not using Sana. Between me and herㅡwhy am I even justifying myself."

"You'll never make me believe you have feelings for her. You treated Rachel, the company bombshell, like shit and you expect me to believe what's between you and Sana is real."

Lee clenched his fist, "poor Sana, if only she knew how you underestimate her. Do you want to know what really happened with Rachel? It was a simple bet. She challenged herself," Lee gestured quotes signs with his fingers, "to get the untouchable man no one could. She boasted about it and the fact her Ex looked like Zayn from One Direction, but she hoped he'd be jealous if ever he saw us together. I left when she said she didn't go to the gym; otherwise, she would become too sexy for the masses. The woman is vain and as hollow as a tree trunk."

"Oh, so you chose Sana because you can't handle a woman who assumes her sex appeal," Keela said as she pressed the button, and the lift began to run again.

"Suit yourself, but let me tell you what's between Sana and me is real whether you like it or not. You can carry on with your vendetta and use me as a scapegoat, but I swear, leave Sana out of this or else."

"Or else what, you fucking bastard?"

"Don't say I didn't warn you. You're a slut; you are fucking cunt fucking a married man whose wife was on a death bed not so long ago. I thought you'd let go, but no, you kept him away from his family with your legs wide open. So yeah, I think you are the worst woman who ever lived."

Keela's face became crimson red, and she slapped him repeatedly. One would think she was a lunatic who escaped an asylum as her nails scratched the man's face. Lee let her hit until his patience reached its limit; the man gripped her wrists. Keela shook with force as she tried to pull away from the man's grasp. The lift's door opened in this context, giving a frightful snapshot to those who waited.

"Help me, please," Keela pleaded.

The two men waiting for the lift went to grab Lee, and he let go of Keela's wrists. Another employee who also waited took Keela to the infirmary while Lee was escorted directly to the HR floor.

The news spread quicker than the announcement than one could say supakalafragilisticspaligoious.

Micheal hurried to the infirmary as soon as he heard what occurred, "Keela, what happened?"

"Your friend is a bastard. Look what he did to me," the woman said while branding her reddened wrists. Micheal could only imagine the force used. Even if there were other factors, one could only retain and acknowledge the woman's injury.

Micheal hurried to the HR department, "where's Lee?"

"He's suspended until further notice, and we're waiting for the police."

Micheal took the stairs to Lee's office, "wheresㅡ?"

He just left; Micheal arrived in the parking as Lee clicked open the door of his Nissan Qashqai.


"Not now, Micheal."

"What happened?"

"What happened is she verbally and psychically aggressed me. Do you believe me?"

"Lee I-."

Lee shook his head and climbed into his car; he unwinded the window, "Micheal, she's not worth it."

Lee drove off.

Who to believe, all the odds were against Lee. He had no one; Janet was on her honeymoon. Lee arrived home and went straight to his room while waiting for the police to pluck him. He was suspended until they convoked him.

What a mess.

How could Sana be friends with such a twisted woman?


What would Sana think?

Would she even believe him?

It was her lifetime friend's words against his. With his passive-aggressive history, the man could not hope for compassion.

Still, he wished Sana, of all people, would see beyond the manipulation. Her opinion was the only one that mattered.

Sana's Friday was as ordinary as one could be customers, sales, and targets. The woman could not imagine how things were burning in London.

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