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While Lee resumed his sleep after his shower Sana restless went off to wonder, the breakfast started early at 7 AM. The married couple was leaving for their honeymoon at 10 AM. Some guests already took off, the few Sana found in the reception room turned dining room still soaked in severe hangovers.

Some appeared to hang between life and death, slumped in their seats or head lying on the table.

Sana was about to sit when she heard her name.

"Sana, come sit with us."

The voice was Camille's; she sat with Dylan and his girlfriend. Sana approached their table.

"Dylan, squeeze up, come, Sana," Camille beckoned. Camille had not had the opportunity to chat with her. Their encounter was brief.

"What do you want for breakfast? Bacon and eggs, crumpet."

"Mom, Sana's French. She probably prefers a croissant."

"Oh no, I'm fine with whatever," Sana hurried to say.

"Did you sleep well? I saw you were up early."

"Yes, I wanted to see the sunrise, and Lee and I got caught in the sprinklers. He must hate me."

Camille's laid-back attitude with her surprised Sana. What astounded her even more, was the lack of awkwardness. Were all English people so stress-free? Suddenly Sana wondered why the French made so much fuss about nothing and why her mind was on overdrive.

"Where's dad, by the way?"

"Dylan, don't act like you don't know him. He could sleep till noon just like Janet. I didn't win in the change concerning that," Camille said with a smile.

The woman poised manners had Sana asking herself how Camille managed to stay married for over ten years with the hot-tempered man.

Opposite attracts, the saying could not be more accurate than ever.

"So, Sana, you work with Lee?"

"We're in the same company, but I live and work in France."

"How did you twoㅡ."

"Oh, there's nothing between us. We're, as Lee says, Mulder and Scully."

Camille burst into laughter. She even shed tears, "gosh, that man."

In front of Sana's bewildered stare, Camille asked, "do you know the series? X-files is one of Lee's favorites."

"I guessed that."

"You've never watched it?"

"No, but I know it's about two investigators."

Camille nodded. It was clear Sana had no clue of the nature of Fox Mulder's and Dana Scully's ambiguous relationship that kept millions of fans worldwide holding their breath, hoping they would finally admit their feelings for one another. The investigators supported each other through thick and thin. They were opposites yet inseparable.

"Lee is hard to follow. He must think I'm empty minded. Sometimes I don't capture all the nuances of his British humor, I guess."

Camille patted her hand, "you don't need to. Trust me, you're fine just the way you are, and despite what he says, he appreciates you. Otherwise, you wouldn't be here, and neither would he."

Sana laughed nervously, "Camille, I'm just a stand-in for his friend Micheal who could not come. I doubt he considers me as anything else."

If Camille and Lee were opposites, Lee and Sana stood in two different dimensions. Yet, Sana was unable to resist responding to the man who reeled her in with his magnetism.

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