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Elise pov

I was back in one of those dreams where I was Elizabeth. It's weirder now that I know Henry, but I didn't have a choice. I was wearing black clothes and I didn't have to be a genius to know what was going to happen in this dream. I was right, this dream was about Henry's funeral. I hate funerals. All the crying and the talking to people that you have never met, but somehow knew the deceased. I just hoped the dream would actually be about something after the funeral that was not so sad, yet important. Sadly, I was wrong. It was beautiful, but I cried all the way through it. I met everyone of his family and they were very lovely, except for Henry's father, he was nowhere to be seen. I have to admit, it was strange. What kind of father doesn't show up to their son's funeral? I knew he wasn't dead, because I heard some people talking about him. Eventually it was time to lift Henry's body into the ground. I started crying again when they filled the hole with dirt.

I woke up and I was crying. It only got worse when I saw Henry entering the room. When he saw me crying he came to sit next to me and hugged me. For some reason unkown to me, I felt safe in his arms and I wanted to stay here forever.

"It's okay. It was just a nightmare. It's not real." Henry tried to comfort me.

"That's the problem. I think it was real." I tell him.

"Want to talk about it?" Henry asked me.

I shake my head no. I'm still crying, but it almost stopped. I don't know if he knows about the dreams and now is not the time to tell him. I'll tell him later.

"Alright. Just know that if you change your mind, I'll be here." He tells me.

"I will." I say.

We stayed like that for a while and somehow I fell back asleep in his arms.


When I woke up again, Henry was gone. I was dissapointed about this for some reason, but I wasn't going to make a big deal out of it. Cassie was still here, because it was morning and the sleepover only started yesterday. She will go home later today.

"Morning." I say to her.

"Good morning." She says.

"Did you sleep well?" I ask her.

"Yeah, you?" She asks me.

"Fine." I aswered her.

She doesn't know about the dreams and it would be weird if I told her before I knew if Henry knew about them. She believed me and we started talking about other things. Soon it was time for her to go home and I waved her goodbye. I hadn't seen Henry since last night, but I didn't worry about it. He will probably show up later today.

I was right. Not even an hour after Cassie left he came back. I was thinking about when it would be a good time to tell him about the dreams and decided that if I don't tell him now, I would probably never do it.

"Hey, you still remember when you told me that if I needed to talk you would be here, right? Does that offer still stand?" I ask him.

I didn't know how I was going to tell him. I should have thought ahead instead of just making this awkward.

"Yes. You changed your mind about talking?" He asked me.

"I did, but I have to tell you something first. It's going to sound like I'm insane, but you have to believe me." I say.

"You're talking to a ghost. Nothing can seem more insane than that, of course I'll believe you." He tells me.

Here goes nothing.

"Ever since I moved in here, I have been having these weird dreams. They're about you and Elizabeth. I see them all from Elizabeth's point of view and they look more like her memories than random dreams, but that's not possible. You must think I'm crazy and I wouldn't even blame you to be honest, because if someone told me something like this, I would think they are crazy too." I tell him.

He looks taken aback by this information, but when he recovers from his shock he asks me to tell him what exactly my dreams where about. I told him everything in as much detail as I could. When I was done explaining the dreams, he looked suprised.

"I'm sorry you had to see all that, but those things really happened and they happened exactly like you described them in your dreams. How is that possible?" He asks me.

"I don't know. I was hoping you would be able to help me with that." I say to him.

"I can't, but we'll search for an explanation together." He reassures me.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked him.

"You just did." He says teasing.

"You know what I meant." I say to him.

"Go ahead." He says

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to, but why was your father not at your funeral?" I asked him.

At first it looked like he wasn't going to answer, but then he started talking.

"He wanted revenge on the person who shot me and thought that my funeral would be the best moment. Also, he probably didn't want to be seen crying." He says, the last part jokingly.

I wanted to know what his father did for revenge, but instead I asked something else I wanted to know for a while now.

"So, you know who killed you?" I asked.

"Yes, but it's a long story for another time." He tells me.


Hy people,

Sorry I didn't update last week. I'm not going to lie, I forgot.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Who do you think killed Henry? Let me know your theories.



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