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Elise's pov

My phone rang and it was an unknown number. I picked up even though I don't actually want to, because the medium could call anytime.

"Hello, who is this?" I ask.

"This is Angela. You called me and my assistant took it? It's about your situation. I'm the medium." A voice asks.

"Yes, that's correct. Did she tell you what I told her?" I ask.

I put my phone on speaker so Henry could hear what she had to say. He looked at me questioning who it was so I mouthed to him that it was the medium.

"Yes, she did and it's quite extraordinary, but I think I have heard something similar long ago." She says.

"Great what happened to the people you heard that from?" I ask.

"I don't know. All I know is that the ghost was female and the guy who called me told me the same things you told my assistant, but I haven't heard from him after that first call." She tells us.

"Okay, but do you know why he could see her?" I ask.

"No, but I can try to call him on the number from when he called me and ask him about it if he picks up." She says.

"That's a waste of time and energy. This guy probably won't pick up or even still have that number. I know I wouldn't." Henry says.

"That's because you're a ghost. We can at least try it." I say.

"Fine, but if he doesn't pick up I'm going to say 'I told you so' and enjoy the fact that I'm right." He says. I just roll my eyes at this and turn back to my phone.

"That would be great. Thank you so much for trying." I say to the medium.

"It's no problem. This is a very interesting situation and I want to be able to help if someone else calls with something like this. Is it okay if I call you back later today or tomorrow after I tried calling the guy?" She asks.

"Yeah, of course I'll be waiting for a call then." I say before we hang up.

"So, that didn't get us anywhere." I say sighing.

"Well, at least we can say we tried everything we could." Henry says.

Our conversation ended there and nothing interresting happened the rest of the day, so went to bed early.


I was having one of those dreams again. I was walking into a room that I didn't recognize, with people I didn't recognize. Well, Henry and Frank where there, but I didn't know the other four. Apparently, Elizabeth did, because she went to greet them all. Two of them were her own parents and the other two were Henry and Frank's parents, Joseph and Nikita. It was actually very clear they were Henry's parents 'cause they looked so much alike.

I don't know why I was having this dream. It was just a normal dinner and nothing was happening. Of course I had to change that when the subject of their "family business" came up. I don't know what exactly was said, but it was something that I apparently didn't agree with, because I jumped in the conversation.

"I think you should just let him quit. Henry isn't made for that life." I said to Joseph. They all looked at me like I was crazy for saying that. I guess it didn't happen often that someone went against Joseph.

"Excuse me? I think I know what my son is made for and he is not quitting, right Henry?" He asked, but it wasn't really a question, because he looked as if he would kill Henry if he didn't agree with Joseph. I get now why Henry just did what he was asked. This man was one scary motherfucker when he looked like that.

"No father, I'm not quitting." Henry said while I / Elizabeth looked at him in disbelief. Elizabeth probably looked like that, because she couldn't believe that he wasn't quitting and I looked at him like that, because it surprised me that Henry went down without a fight. He was totally different when he was still alive, since he would at least try to convince this man now.

"And with that, everything is settled. Let's just forget about this little argument and have a fine evening." Joseph said.

That's not only where the argument ended, but the dream too.


hy people,

So, they haven't found anything yet, but don't worry, they will eventually. Then there was also the dream. Henry's father is kind of an asshole, isn't he?

Let me know what you think, 'cause I like reading your comments.

see you later,


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