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pov Henry (surprise)

I went to school with Elise, because I was to bored in the house all by myself. In her first class I got bored again. The teacher, whom I don't know the name of, kept teaching while everyone in the class was half asleep, so I decided to mess with him a little by tapping his shoulder. After the fifth time he turned around it wasn't funny anymore, so I went to look in student's books to see what they were learning. It wasn't important, because it was physics and since I'm a ghost physics don't apply to me.

I saw something that was made out of glass standing on the teachers desk. That's when an idea struck. I would let it fall to the ground so the teacher had to take a break in his lesson and clean it up. They would at least be free of the guy for five minutes and I would be less bored. When I was standing next to it however, I got a better idea. I would throw it and the break would be longer. I saw Elise telling me to not throw the glass, but I ignored her and did it anyway. It worked and the class got free for the rest of the time.

I saw Elise looking at me and pointing to the door. Yep, I'm in trouble. Maybe I should have indeed just dropped the glas instead of throwing it. I followed her out and she pretended to call someone while she was talking to me.

"What the hell were you thinking?" She asks me.

"I got you out of class didn't I?" I tell her.

"I didn't ask you to!" She says to me, kind of annoyed.

"No, but you looked bored and no one likes school. I helped those other people too" I say.

"You could have been more subtle about it." She says.

She knows I'm right. She just doesn't want to confess it.

"Maybe that's true, but you didn't disagree about being bored in class." I say.

She rolls her eyes and changes the subject.

"I have to text my friend about something, so I won't be able to talk to you for a few minutes" She tells me.

"Just like Elizabeth" I mumble to myself.

She used to always change the subject when I was right, but she didn't want to tell me that I was. The main reason I didn't want to scare Elise at first was because she looked as if she could be Elizabeth's twin sister, but as I watched her a few days I noticed she was totally different, yet the same in so many ways somehow. It fascinated me.

She was texting her friend about the box I gave her the key to. When she asked me why I gave her the key I told her the first thing that I thought of. It was true, I did trust her with it. I have had the key from the moment Elizabeth left it at the house. I didn't want anybody finding the letters and throwing them away, or burning them. I thought that if they ever found the box but no way of opening it, they would leave it alone. Luckily for me, no one ever found the box because I scared them away from the attic and If I really didn't like the people, I would scare them away from the house. This wasn't the case with Elise tough. I really dropped the vase on accident.

First period was over and Elise went to her next class. I followed her of course. Her friend wasn't with us anymore. She probably has another class. This class will be more interesting. The second class she has is history. I always liked it for some reason.

"Behave this time please. We don't need a repeat of physics." Elise whispers.

"Of course I will, miss... " I start saying, until I realize that I don't know her last name.

"Hey, what is your last name? I can't finish that sentence without it." I say.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out mister Angelo. You'll have to finish it another time then." She whispers and then laughs quietly.

"Then that's what I will do." I tell her.

I had no clue how I would do it, but I know I would. I will finish that sentence one day, doesn't matter how.

I didn't do anything 'annoying', as Elise would call it for the rest of the time until lunch.

"God, I really don't know how you don't die of boredom if you have to be here every. single. day." I say to Elise.

"Why did you come if you're so bored then?" she asks me quietly.

Even though we were in the hallway, she couldn't talk to loud to me. I can see why. I mean, I would look weird at someone too if it looked like they talked to air.

"I forgot how boring school was. It's even worse then when I was still alive." I say.

We stopped talking when her friend, I think her name is Cassie, walked up to us. She walked right through me. Gross. I went to walk on Elise's other side and I think it was clear to see on my face that I was disgusted, because Elise suddenly started laughing even though she tried not to. I hate it when people walk through me. I can't really blame them since they can't see me, but I still don't like it.

"what's so funny?" Cassie asks Elise.

"Nothing, I just thought of something funny." She says and hopes that Cassie let's it slide, but luck isn't on her side.

"Tell me." Cassie says

At this moment Elise looks at me for help.

"Just tell her you imagined a T-rex trying to make their bed. It works every time." I tell her the first thing I can think of that could be funny.

"Alright, but you have to imagine it while I say it." Elise says and Cassie nods.

"A T-rex trying to make their bed." She says.

I'm surprised she actually listened. I thought she was going to come up with something else. They thought about it and then they both started laughing. Once we arrived at lunch, we sat at a table with just us three. They were talking about some unimportant stuff, so I zoned out. I only got my attention back to the conversation when they started talking about a sleepover that they would do at my house, wich was Elise's house too, but I hoped I didn't hear it right, because I don't want to be ignored again after finally finding someone to talk to.

"I would have to ask my parents though." Elise says and right after she said that the bell signalled that lunch was over.

We walked to her next class. Cassie was in this one too, so we couldn't talk on the way. When we reached the classroom Elise sat down, took out her notebook and wrote something.

We can have a sleepover right? You were quiet the whole time.

This was my time to voice my thoughts about it, but if she really wants to have a sleepover she can. It's not like I actually have anything to say about this. It won't hurt to try though.

"No, absolutely not." I say.

Why not?

"Because you're going to kick me out of the room if I enter when you're there." I say. I hope she'll believe me. I don't want to tell her the real reason. It seems stupid if you think about it.

I won't kick you out just because we're in the same room and that's an invalid reason. Tell me the real reason.

I sighed. Should I tell her? After weighing my options I decided to tell her the real reason.

"I just don't want you to ignore me for a whole weekend while Cassie is at the house." I say.

I didn't really think about that... We'll find a way so I don't have to ignore you. Plss I haven't had a sleepover in forever.

I sigh again. I wouldn't be able to say no to her.

"Okay fine, but if you ignore me I will scare Cassie away." I tell her as a joke.

She does a little happy dance without anyone seeing her and turns back to the front. The rest of the day nothing happens and now it's time to go back home.


Bonjour, (no I'm not French)

I hope you liked Henry's pov and as always, let me know what you think.

Auf wiedersehen (no Im not German either, lol)


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