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Quick a/n in the beginning, because I will describe Henry's death and there will be blood. If you don't want to read it, skip the dream,. Okay, on with the story. I hope enjoy though.

Pov Elise

I was Elizabeth again and I was walking with Henry. We were in a pretty busy street until we stopped by a park. We were talking about the wedding until there was the sound of a gunshot. I didn't feel anything wrong, so I looked up at Henry to see if he was alright. What I saw terrified me. He had a bullet hole in his head and blood came out of his mouth. He tried to say something before he fell to the ground

"No Henry!" I screamed when I woke up.
I was drenched in cold sweat and brawling my eyes out. I looked around to calm myself and to stop crying. I stopped when I saw someone standing in the corner of my room. I blinked a few times and the person was gone. It must have been my imagination after the nightmare. Now that I think about it, the nightmare is more terrifying, because I know that Henry was killed. What if I just saw how Henry died? This thought only made me cry again and harder this time.

I know I can't go to sleep again after what I just saw, so I went downstairs to get a glass of water. As I entered the kitchen I saw a man standing there. I turned on the lights to see better. The man was still there.

I gathered all my courage and asked:"Who are you and what are you doing in my house?"

The man ignores me as if I'm not talking to him.

"Hey, don't ignore me if I'm talking to you" I say.

He turned around and I wanted to scream, but the sound was stuck in my throat. It was Henry, but that is Impossible. Henry is dead and otherwise he would be an old man.
He looked confused.

"Wait. You can see me?" He asks

"Ofcourse I can see you. You're standing right in front of me" I say while rolling my eyes. Why was he so surprised I could see him?

"No, no, no, no. You don't get it. No one can see me." He says.

"And why would that be?" I ask, my voice full of sarcasm.

"I'm a ghost." He says.

His tone is serious as if he is telling me the truth, but I start laughing.

"Ghosts don't exist, you dumbass." I say.

Maybe it's not smart to insult a random stranger in your house, but I couldn't help myself. He just stares at me, waiting until I'm done laughing.

"Prove it." I say, when I can be serious again.

He looks like he is thinking about something and then he suddenly walks trough the wall and back. Holy shit, he is a ghost! Oh my god. I'm freaking out. I just laughed at a ghost, furthermore I insulted a ghost. My life is over. May god have mercy on my soul.

As I'm freaking he walks closer to me and I want to step back, but my feet won't allow me.

"Calm down. If I wanted to hurt you I would have done that already. Don't you think? I haven't even done anything to scare you." he says, trying to calm me down.

Now that I think about it, he is right. Then I remembered the vase and the sound in the hallway.

"You did. Saturday you threw the vase and yesterday you did whatever you did in the hallway." I tell him.

"Look, the vase was an accident and it wasn't my fault I stumbled in the hallway." He says.

I laughed a little. Apparently, he was a clumsy ghost. And I'm pretty sure it's the ghost of Henry, but I decided to ask anyway.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but who's ghost are you?"

"I think you know, but I'll tell you anyway. My name is Henry Angelo and it's nice to meet you officially Elise." He says while taking my hand and kissing the top of it.

Huh, I didn't know ghosts could do that. His 'skin' was soft on mine, but at the same time it almost felt as if I wasn't touching anything. Back to the point. I was right. This is Henry and he is such a gentleman. Then a tought struck me. He knew my name.

"How do you know my name?" I ask him.

"I'm a ghost. I listen to people talk when I'm bored" he says casually.

I shrug. He is right. What else would there be to do as a ghost. I wanted to ask him if he knew why he was a ghost, but that seemed a little impolite, so I didn't. I saw on the oven clock that it was 4 a.m and decided that I should try to get some sleep before I have to get up again for school.

"It was nice talking to you Henry, but I have to go back to bed. I have school tomorrow. Maybe we could talk more later?" I ask him hopeful. I don't why, but I liked talking to him.

"Okay. I have all the time of the world and you know where to find me. Good night" he says.

I go back to my room and fall asleep, trying to forget the nightmare and thinking of the conversation I had with Henry.



Henry just made an apearance in the story and I know it's short, but I hope you liked it.



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