Wanderings: Chapter Two

Start from the beginning

Neither one moved. Her mind was blank. She didn't dare blink or break her stare; she almost didn't believe it. She wasn't trapped in a memory. Right?

A body bumped into hers. In that split second, he was gone.

Marie cursed and darted across the street. She dodged old women with little carts and wove through aimless strollers and couples. Her eyes caught a familiar head bobbing through the crowd dozens of feet in front of her. She couldn't run or cause alarm, but she hustled as fast as she could. She tried to keep her breathing steady and her pace even. She couldn't screw this up; she couldn't lose him.

He disappeared down a side street. Without thinking, Marie blindly swung around the corner.

An arm pinned her to the wall and pressed against her throat.

Wild blue eyes stared into hers. "Who are you? Why are you following me?"

Marie gasped and wriggled in his grip. Her scarf suffocated her. She tried to twist her head away, but he pressed harder against her throat. Before she could wheeze something out, he ripped the scarf away from her face.

He scanned her features, his mouth twitching as he tried to place her wide amber eyes and curly hair. He knew her. He couldn't remember when or why, if they had worked together or if he had hunted her down.

Either way, he released a fraction of the pressure off her throat.

Marie inhaled deeply, the air whistling past her vocal cords. She coughed and fisted her hands to ward off an asthma attack. She had gone a whole year without one, beating her bargain with Bruce, and wasn't about to have one now.

"Buck-Bucky?" She rasped. "Wh-What are you—What are you doing here? Where have you been?"

His tongue was sharp and his voice was clipped. "I'm not Bucky."

Marie cleared her throat and tried to steady her heart. "Right. Sorry. I don't—I don't know what to-to-to—what to call you."

He didn't answer her, continuing to stare at her with narrowed eyes. The museum. After. That's where he knew her. And before. An image flashed in his mind: a body in a cell, blood dripping from their arms. Her arms.

In the blink of an eye, Bucky—or did he prefer James? —pulled away from Marie. He gripped her arms and forced the sleeves up. One arm was covered in tattoos, though the white scars were still visible on both. His gaze moved up to hers. She gave a weak smile.

"Like my, uh, my n-new ink?"

"What are you doing here? How did you find me?" He demanded. Her arms were still trapped in his hands, but Marie relaxed. At least he wasn't strangling her. She had to keep cool and not startle him; he was like a skittish dog, he needed to be handled with care and slow movements. If he felt more in control holding her, she would let him. He probably didn't remember she could disappear at any moment.

"I didn't come here for you." Marie kept her answers short; she didn't want him to think she was deflecting his questions or bluffing for time. "I left the-the-the Avengers, disappeared in the middle of the night. I wanted to—I wanted to get a break from that life. I've been gone for a year."

"But they're looking for you."

"Of course. They're my family."

Bucky dropped her arms and backed away. Marie raised her hands, palms facing him as she stepped forward. Nope, that made him jump. She froze and watched him glance around the alley and up at the surrounding buildings.

"I'm-I'm not trying to-to-to trick you or lie to you—"

"How can I trust you? Why would I? You can't prove anything."

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