Jennifer Walters

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Natasha bites her lip playfully, unsure if the physicist will appreciate her impending attack with his senses dulled. She crawls from her side of the bed and hovers over his tightly curled up frame, as far from her side as possible. Her fingers dig deep into his curls, lips pressing against his cheek.

Bruce feels her close, rolling toward the redhead from his previously tightly curled up position. His voice groggy and deeper from sleep when he mumbles;

"Hi Tasha."

Her forearms frame around his head while she snakes a leg up and over to settle above his torso;

"Hi Vrach."

His hands fall over her hips when she kisses him. He looks over the edge of the bed towards his window, gently brushing her arms, "What time are you leaving?"

Romanoff bites her lip, her hips shifting over his waist, "I have a bit."

He sighs with a pout, "Do you have to go?"

She pauses in her play with a head tilt and a lie, "Yes, I do. It'll be a quick mission."

"Where are you going again?"

The corners of her mouth curl in a grin when her jaw drops open, "Just to California. I'll be back before you know it."

He takes her hand into his, her palm over his chest, "Be safe. Be smart."

Her eyes roll, "No, I'll be reckless and irresponsible."

"That's my girl."

"Your girl," she laughs dramatically and stands to move for the dresser.

He pushes to his elbows, "Sorry. Are you...actually upset?"

She smirks, folded clothes in hand with a shrug, "I don't know. Am I?"

With a groan he hides his face in a nearby pillow, listening to her chuckle as she ducks into the bathroom with a door half shut.

His eyes look up when she's far enough, rolling toward her side of the bed. He stealthily scans over the nightstand;

"You drive me crazy, you know that?"

Banner's fingers fumble over her jewelry with a backward glance. Alex growls from his pen at her end of the bed, sitting up with a clawing paw over the door. Bruce locates an etched ring, quickly sizing it up before replacing it back on her tray with it's two other items. His eyes narrow over her basic wardrobe choice;

"No suit?"

Natasha rolls her tongue over her teeth as she reaches for it, "I'll change when I get there,' her head drops over his unwavering stare, 'Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Like what."

"Like I just rounded a corner in a shack in Calcutta."

He laughs, a sweet grin over his features with his unwavering eye contact when he moves to stand, "I'm never, not, going to look at you that way."

"Like I'm a liar? Ready to send 80 armed agents after you. How romantic."

He cuts her off, "Like a strong, unintimidated woman who should let her guard down every once in a while...and a liar."

She slaps his arm when he moves to locate his own wardrobe for the day, "I'm not lying, I'm going to California on a mission."

"With SHIELD."


They share a glance, he points to her cheek, "You twitched."

"Oh my gosh. That's not always a sign,' She rolls her eyes and moves swiftly for the door, 'Behave while I'm gone. Stay away from my nightstand."

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