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Natasha looks up over a rustling with a book on her knees. She spots the physicist leaning in his door frame for support;

"Morning Vrach."

He's asking for a time with his hand over his face, voice muffled. She checks her watch;


He scoffs with an eyebrow raise, "What."

"You look...off."

Bruce stares back at her almost vacantly, his eyes more dilated than usual;


"Okay,' the book falls from her lap and onto the sofa, her legs swinging to stand, 'Whatever was in that compound you took last night needs an adjustment. We should go to the lab."

"What lab...why are you here. What's your name?"

She narrows her focus over his chuckling. Natasha offers a guilty grin and crosses her arms. She wants to slap him, deciding against it considering his greener alter ego;

"Oh my gosh..."

He scoops her close, carefully placing a hand at her waist and the other in hers;

"Watch your toes."

She steps out and turns in, impressed with his catch;

"So you dance better when you're high."

"Shh, I'm concentrating. I need to count."

Natasha grins playfully and hangs on his shoulder, planting a kiss over his lips. An eyebrow lifts over her features;

"Distracted yet?"


Her hand cups his cheek to lead him up for a deeper kiss.

He hums, eyes falling onto her lips;

"I love you."

She tilts her head, "Do you?"

Bruce closes an eye, twitching smirk exposing his antics, "Nope."

His lips find her forehead, interrupted by a knock on the door. Natasha drops her hands begrudgingly;

"It's Fury."

"Fun,' Bruce lifts an eyebrow, 'Wait, how?"

She hugs her arms as he parts, moving to answer their uninvited guest. She watches with a twist in her jaw as he opens the door.

Nick smiles enthusiastically, handing Bruce a file as they exchange greetings. Natasha feels the director's eyes fall on her. She pulls in her lips and shrugs;

"Hi Fury."

He freezes with a nod, "...Agent Romanoff."

Bruce opens his door wider, "Do you wanna come in."

"No thank you. I'm on a mission."

The redhead shares a knowing glance with the director. He smiles.

"Keep him in line Romanoff,' he adjusts his expression only slightly for Banner, 'And you; Keep her happy, yes?"


Bruce skims the page once Fury leaves, widening his stare;

"Why is the director of SHIELD, less terrifying than your father...I can't read this..."

She nods, "He needs a new device for field work. I told him about your new AI and...SHIELD is interested."

"Huh,' he twists his jaw, 'I should get to work then...?"

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