Everything I do

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Natasha stays quiet in their travels, uninterested in a conversation. She's prepped in her uniform and ready for anything. The thought of all that has occurred in that one specific location is enough to make her sick. Barton is chosen once again to inform the redhead of their landing. For the past three hours she stares emotionlessly out of the jet's window.

A sobered up, half uniformed Iron Man makes his way toward the front of the SHIELD aircraft, his voice somewhat timid;

"You got a minute?"

She turns, "I'll move out of the tower, I'll get out of your hair after this mission is over-."

He refuses to acknowledge her self loathing and presumed reason for conversation. He interrupts her, "I've been a complete asshole. I don't play well with other people. Look, I miss the guy. The only one I got along with. I don't know what was going on between you and Bruce, I can guess, but he obviously loved you enough to forgive immediately,' he shakes his head, 'I'm not Bruce, I can't forgive you right now. But for his sake...you can stay."

She swallows the lump in her throat and runs a hand through her hair with a scoff. She looks around the space, "... If he's gone, I don't think I could stay. I'm not the same person I was a year ago. I can't walk the tower without the guilt."

"Well, you don't have to. But I made him a promise in that office when they took him away. I said I'd look after you and I'd like to keep that promise."

She bites her lip when she feels a sadness boiling up. Abruptly she ends the conversation, "Let's just finish this."

Clint pokes his head into the lobby with a quiver over his back. "We're landing in ten."

Natasha whips her head sharply over a question from a newer agent, unsure if she should answer and take command over the small group. She nods and refocuses quickly.

Her hand falls over the com as Fury tries to grab her attention, startled over his words. Steve moves to check on the redhead as they wait above the field in the aircraft, hovering over the New Mexican army base;

"You okay?"

She answers much more pointedly then usual, "I'm okay."

Thor makes his move first and clears the field, giving Romanoff a chance to speak with the director;

"I need a count if you have it."

Fury retorts, 'Count on thirty.'

The Black Widow drops down onto the ground and makes her move. In aiming her Widow's bite, she's satisfied with the results. An explosion of lightning quickly engulfs the room and causes the lights in the hall to flicker. Natasha pushes through without an ounce of mercy and tackles anyone who dares to step onto her path.

She focuses in on her plan of attack. The same base makes it easy for Romanoff to navigate, selecting the back entrance. With SHIELD on their side, she takes charge to enlist another 5 agents, keeping Maria Hill close by. She holds her com a bit closer as they move in to swarm the base. She has no idea what to expect, she only knows that Ross will be shredded should he be bold enough to show his face.

Her anger reaches a boiling point, slipping into her more numb, emotionless, Black Widow persona.

Her eyes widen with determination as she walks purposefully down the hall, strangling and eliminating any soldier that crosses her path.

She moves pointedly down the hallways in search of Ross or Talbot and eliminates any in her way.

Clint he points excitedly toward a large a glass cage. His eyes wide, "Nat! Look!"

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