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"I did some research into some local groups that work with post traumatic stress and honestly Tony, you should all go."

Pepper slaps her papers over his work station while Stark adjust a piece of his suit;

"I don't need some anonymous intervention Pep but I'll pass on the info to Banner."

She crosses her arms playfully, "You don't want another bonding activity to go do with your boyfriend? You can both go to therapy together, isn't that sweet? Maybe Clint will join you."

He laughs, slightly annoyed, "You're insane and I love you."

She pecks his lips, "I love you too. I'm meeting with a buyer to discuss your new solar panels."

"Good luck babe. What are we doing later?"

She smirks, "Games and takeout?"

"Love it."

"You still owe me a trip to Joffrey Ballet..."

Tony sighs and makes a face before he gives in, "Alright. Let's plan that for you. Dinner at Carmine's whenever that ballet happens..."

"Double date?"

"Yeah, with who?"

Rogers enters with a sense of urgency, eager to spew out his problems;

"The water in my shower is overflowing and it won't stop."

"Good job destroying my house Grandpa! You can't fix it?' Tony leaps from his chair, screwdriver still in his mouth when he moves to follow, 'Happy Monday."

Pepper reaches to catch his shoulder, "Hey!"

He pauses, sucking the oxygen from her soul once he catches her lips. She giggles, "Good luck."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Bruce tries to breathe while he sits cross legged on the gym floor in his baggier pants and light sweatshirt.

His heart pounds, a taste of blood in his mouth combined with sudden body aches. Even the hulk seems to be restlessly discontent. Voices muffle.

"I brought you tea."

His eyes open for the redhead;

"How'd you find me."

"Intuition," she chooses not to go into detail about the other rooms she checked first.

Bruce gratefully takes the mug she offers and moves to sit beside her. They settle on the bench built into the wall. She tucks a hand under her head, twisting her torso to face the doctor in his more casual outfit;

"How is, morning yoga going?"

He scoffs, "I'd be happy if I could just breathe without some flashback. Trying to let it go."

It is the most he's shared on the topic; 'references to flashbacks.' She whispers while he takes a sip of his tea;

"Be patient with yourself."

"Easier said than done."

Natasha lets her head fall forward and swings her shoe ever so slightly against the ground, "You don't have to do this alone."

Bruce sighs and runs a hand over his mouth, "I guess I'm terrified."

She tilts her head over his forced laugh, "About what."

"I don't want to disappoint you, Natasha. I'm not emotionally stable for obvious reasons. I don't know where to go. I can't outrun my past, and, honestly I- Natasha, I."

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