Chapter 1

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George woke up to the sound of shuffling as he did most nights. He heard the sound of footsteps aproching the bathroom, the light turning on and the tap water running as he heard it splash. He knew who it was. It was Alex his roomate one of his closest friends.

George got up and made his way to the bathroom. He knocked on the door. Waiting for a response from his Mexican roomate. It worried him that this was becoming a daily thing, Quackity was suffering and he was loosing sleep...

A voice arrupted "y..yes?" It was Alex, well everyone called him quackity. "Big Q? You alright in there?" George replied he was clearly worried for his friend. This had been happening since he moved in with George three months ago.

Quackity was leaning over the sink his breathing slightly heightened, his hair was dripping as was his face from splashing the cold water over his face in an attempt to calm him down. He had moved in with George three months ago due to the fact that his ex husband, Shlatt, was abusive in more ways then one. Quackity felt bad that George had to 'deal' with him. He'd wake up almost every night to the night terrors or nightmares. Some were more graphic than others.

"Alex?..." George said with a worried in his voice. Quackity knew he only used his actual name if he was very worried. "Yes? Sorry.. yes I'm okay" He wasn't okay both George and Quackity knew this. He grabbed the towel and dried his face and his raven black hair as best he could slowly made his way over to the bathroom door and opened it hesitantly, hair still slightly damp. He looked tired he knew this but he still had a smile on his face.

George looked at the small boy with simpathy in his eyes. George pulled the smaller into a tight hug saying comforting things to him.

Quackity felt comfortable with George and George felt comfortable with Quackity. They weren't afraid of each other they loved each other, they platonically loved each other.

They both made they're way downstairs and to the sofa, they sat down. The Mexican and the Brit both loved the sound of rain and since Quackity had moved to Britain it had become rather common for the pair when either of them were upset to just go downstairs and sit and listen without a word. They didn't need a word. They understood that it was better this way. And that is were they fall asleep most nights.

"My boyfriend is coming over from America tommorw." George said half asleep. "Oh? Dream is coming? Your boyfriend" Quackity teased. "Your dream" he said as a grin spread across his face. Quackity knew dream, well he'd heard about him and talked to him once to piss off George when he was playing Minecraft with dream. Quackity loved making fun of George. "Oh fuck off" George joked. "And my friend is coming with him too, who I think is bringing his boyfriend too." George just wanted to let Quackity know but he secretly knew it would make him not even third wheel but fifth wheeling. It was very funny to George "So your telling me! I have to fifth wheel! That's shit man!" Quackity said folding his arms. George laughed at Quackity's annoyed response. "Oh don't worry you'll be fine!" George snickered.

After about ten minutes of bickering ten minutes the boys started to get tired. They both started to relax and melt into the soft sofa cushion. They eventually both fell asleep, George's head on Quackity's shoulder and Quackity's head on George's.

Author's note:

HI!! HI!! HELLO!! This is my first story that I'm publishing on here I've only ever published on a03 so sorry if it's kinda shit 😅

Just to let you know George and Quackity are not being shipped in this book! They are just friends!! FRIENDS!! if you have read this thank you so much

Word count: 631

Time taken: 1 hour 3 minutes

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