Is abortion the right decision

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I had a math quiz today in which I got zero Marks even though I had solve the exercise a few days ago I completed my notes attended all classes.
But today I was like I forgot everything because since saturday I am in shock I can,t get it out of my mind and I am feeling such strange emotions that I can't put it in words after I saw a post on Facebook.
Last month a girl told me about it but I ignored it and did not think about it.
But when I saw the video and read the whole story I was left speechless and I seriously don't know what is going to happen to this world.
As a Muslim we have our morals.
And living in a Muslim country we follow our religion freely.
In my religion sex before marriage is forbidden yet girls and boys of our new generation do this.
Because according to them they are free this is healthy and so many things.
But than it's a sin we know than again if you think it's not a crime than why do you judge a woman wrong if she is not a virgin? Why do you try to hide the result of your activities?
Why are you afraid to accept it in front of others?
If you wants to do this do it but than don't try to hide it and put the blame on girl or try to get rid of its Results?.

Well mostly I am writing this is because I saw a case on about which I talked at start I heard it last month but it took my attention on saturday as I saw a video on social media
A girl I would not name was found  dead in Jinnah hospital Lahore
And when the it was investigated how the body got there it was known that a boy left the body there.
Later after the postpartum it was revealed that the girl died due to excessive internal bleeding which happened due to an unsafe abortion.
The girl was actually 4 months pregnant and decided to have an abortion for what reason I don't know
But she had the abortion at some local clinic and due to excessive enesthesia in her system and some others problem girl's condition got deteriorate and the boy took her to Jinnah hospital where Dr. Said that she was brought there dead.
In this whole matter what disturb me the most is girl lied to her parents about university fee and took 120000 from them and used the amount to get abortion during which she lost her life.
Now I don't understand why she decided to have abortion after 4 months pregnancy when the baby would have grown inside her so much that even the gender could be known.
Whatever happened girl knows better who is not here anymore may Allah forgive her for her sins may her soul rest in peace.
But what I think in this matter is that she should not have aborted the child after 4 months and second I know she did it because if she had the child she would face alot of problems as in our country illegitimate child are not accepted but still girls put them up for adoption and so many other ways boy could have marry her.
But she died while killing another life she died during performing a crime.
Today I saw a baby just a few days old and all i could think was he was once in his mother's womb.
I can't say that I can never commit such a thing because you never know you what you might do in future but I just wants to say that May Allah saves us from Doing any sins and may forgive us and her.
But everything just shook me to my core whenever I think about it I think how much pain she must have felt during abortion than the pain would have increase so much that she died in it.
How could you end a life that's growing inside you that's the result of your doings.
I just wants to say every Pakistani girl who is reading this please respect your parents and save them from such misery don't do anything which could end up being a shameful and dishonoured act for you and your family...
Please don't trust these boys they just wants to get into your pants if he loves you ask him to marry you in front of the world not that paper marriage which later they denies and calls you a worthless creature.
Please please follow your religion and stay away from such things I can't even think how that girl's parents must be feeling it must be such a heartbreaking time for them they lost their daughter as well as their honour...

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