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Not long after, the two were already running upstairs, leaving two unconscious bodies in the equipment room.

"Goodjob you guys. Any problem, Rubyjane?"

"Nah. Everything is fine so far."

"Okay." Jisoo nodded as she focused on following the maknaes' moves again. "Lisa and Rosé, there are two guards guiding in front of the emergency door. Please knock them out fast and quiet."

"Gotchu," Chaeyoung replied as both of them arrived at the 27th floor. Chaeyoung and Lisa shared glances before Lisa grabbed the door and swung it open. Before the guards could even react, two anesthetic needles were shot into their neck and just like that, they fell unconscious.

"Well, that was easy." Lisa grinned as she pulled one of the guards while Chaeyoung pulled the other guards, hiding it behind the big door before heading down the corridor.

"Don't be so cocky, Manoban, you still have a lot to do," Jisoo joked, causing Chaeyoung and Jennie to snigger while Lisa pouted.

The two quickly scanned the corridor — that was, thankfully, empty — trying to find their target's room. It didn't take a long time until the both of them find it.

"Found the room," Chaeyoung informed, sticking the chip in her pocket to the lock.

Jisoo's finger quickly danced on top of the keyboard, trying to break the lock. Ten seconds passed and the lock beeped. Chaeyoung and Lisa quietly slipped inside the room.

"Woah," Chaeyoung immediately wowed as soon as she entered the room, scanning the big room in awe while she walked towards the window and opened it to give Jisoo a sign. "This room is huge."

Lisa sighed beside her. "When will I be able to pay a room like this? Oppa, can't you ask Mrs. Hwang to raise our salary?"

Teddy laughed at the sudden mention of his name. "She won't even raise mine, how am I supposed to ask for yours?"

Lisa sneered. "Poor us. It's her fault that my babies are so skinny."

"The amount of sarcasm you have for your babies are unbelievable, Lalisa." Chaeyoung mocked.

"Hey! I'm not being sarcastic, that's the truth! They aren't fat, it's just their fur." Lisa quickly defended.

"Then can you explain the reason why they're so heavy?"

"It's— it's their fur too!"

"I never knew that fur were heavy."

"Well— i-it's their bones too!"

"Oh, quit fighting you two." Jennie rolled her eyes, "You guys are hurting my head."

"She started it first," Lisa mumbled, causing Chaeyoung to give her a look but didn't say anything. Instead, she started finding for the vaccine, followed by Lisa.

" guys found it?" Jisoo asked after five minutes passed in silence.

"So far we haven't found anything. There's only one more place we haven't checked, which is the safety box," Chaeyoung answered, turning her attention to a black box inside the closet.

"Okay, it must be in there. Can you attach the chip inside?"

Lisa attached the chip and Jisoo quickly worked again, trying to break the codes. There was silence enveloping them, until Jisoo suddenly let out a curse.

"Jisoo! What happened?" Chaeyoung asked, worried.

"Shit. I think this safety box gives a warning when someone tries to break in. Rubyjane, what is Mr. Yang doing?"

"He's trying to leave the party," Jennie spoke in a rushed tone.

"Can you try to stop him? I still need time to break this."

"I will try." Jennie quickly followed Mr. Yang, thinking of a way to stop him — or at least, hold him back.

An idea came into her mind as she saw a glass of wine on a table nearby. She quickly grabbed the glass and ran towards Mr. Yang, 'accidentally' bumping into him and splashing the wine all over his suit, causing him to jerk.

"Oh my god!" Jennie gasped. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that."

Mr. Yang gritted his teeth, giving Jennie a deadly glare before started walking again. Jennie quickly followed him, putting a guilty expression.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. I really didn't mean to do that. Let me try to clean it, wait."

Jennie spoke as she pulled out a handkerchief from her bag, heading on his way to wipe the wine stain on his suit. But Mr. Yang pushed her harshly to the side with a snap, "Get out of my way you little shit!"

Jennie yelped as she bumped into the wall, glaring at the man who didn't even bother to check on her and just kept walking.

"Rubyjane! Are you okay?" Jisoo quickly asked, but still trying to focus on her task.

"Yes, I'm fine," Jennie mumbled angrily as she rubbed her arm, "but I'm going to murder that old bastard. Disgusting jerk, son of a b—"

"Jisoo, how long will it take?"

Jennie's curse was cut by Chaeyoung's panick voice. Jisoo bit her lips, "I'm not sure. Maybe around ten more minutes. There are around..." Jisoo took a peek at the CCTV, "eight guards coming with him. Do you think you can handle them?"

"We have no other choice," Lisa said as she grabbed her gun, preparing to fight. Chaeyoung also grabbed her gun, standing beside her teammates in front of the door. They could hear the guards' footsteps in the corridor.

"Ready?" Chaeyoung whispered at Lisa and the girl nodded with a firm look.


Right then, the door was kicked open and the guards broke in. The advantage of Chaeyoung and Lisa was that they knew who and how many people they were going to fight, while the guards didn't. So as soon as they barged in, both of them quickly shot two of them with anesthetic needles, causing the two front guards to fall unconscious.

Six more. Three guards were fighting Chaeyoung while the other rest fought Lisa. Lisa was soon able to knock off the two guards, leaving one more while Chaeyoung was struggling.

"Lisa! Help me!" Chaeyoung shouted as she bent down to avoid a guard's kick. The kick missed her head and Chaeyoung kicked the guard's nose instead, knocking him down.

Lisa quickly joined Chaeyoung, together they fought the three remaining guards. It was then when Jisoo spotted Mr. Yang from the CCTV, trying to take the vaccine away.

"Lisa! The vaccine!" She warned her and Lisa quickly ran towards Mr. Yang, knocking him off before he could take the vaccine. At the exact same time, Jisoo finished breaking the code.

"I've done the code! The code is 627992."

Lisa immediate entered the code and the box's door swung open. She was about to reach the suitcase with vaccine inside when she heard Chaeyoung squealed, followed by a man's voice.

"Put that back down or I'll kill your friend!"

Lisa came to a halt, turning her head to see Chaeyoung in Mr. Yang's grip, a gun aimed directly at her head with four guards surrounding both of them. Lisa gulped, feeling her hands turn sweaty as she bit her lip.

What am I supposed to do? Lisa thought panickly to herself.

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