Chapter 7

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The smug smile on the younger's lips grew when he tossed the cards away collecting all the money wining once again. He very well picked up the cheating tricks with in two days and now the elder was finding it hard to win over him. The expressions - frustrations once younger had to go through was all over the elder's face which made him way too satisfied of his victory.

Four days passed by and they were still in a lock down. Yet the two founded better ways to pass there days filled with excitement. As he collected his money happily tossing it all in his pocket. This time they were not returning the money anymore. They decided to play it fair as a poker is played. The winner takes the money and surprisingly enough Jungkook agreed without another issue. He was enjoying, more than enjoying. It all seemed so much fun. No wonder people enjoyed doing such stuff.

Prior to this he had plans of studying maybe more than his course has reached till now so it wouldn't be hard for him laters on. But now he seemed to have no plans of even touching the books. He was convinced the lock down wouldn't last long. He wanted to just have fun and live a life instead of worrying about such things. Whole life was left for that anyways.

A sigh escaped the elder as he sulked back in to his seat. He saw Jungkook picking up everything right in front of his eyes yet he failed each time to pick up his cheating method. Cursing several times mentally he picked himself once again. He played it for years and started losing to a four days amateur. A thing that he was never brought to face before. He was convinced the younger was quite, quite smart.

Jungkook :"Well If you keep losing like this you will run out of money and I am not spending one cent on you." Bragging proudly he made sure to irritate the other even more than he already was.

Guy :"Lucky bastard."Instead of asking him not to curse in his household, the younger laughed letting his eyes crinkle at his move.

Three more days passed by, a whole week to say they spent in lock down. The outside world was a whole mess. The news was the only thing they had access to at the current time. How people were running out of food yet they were not allowed to step outside their houses. A lot of them were away from their family members but again not allowed to meet them or even check on them if they were alright or not.

Jungkook was glad he and YN just went for grocery shopping for a whole month so they had enough at their houses but he still couldn't help but worry about her. He was convinced that she must be home all safe but he truly wanted to meet her. He missed her. He really did.

Jungkook and that guy got so comfortable with each other. They started sleeping in the same bed- of course on the other side maintaining social distance for health purposes. Jungkook would wake up randomly in the middle of the night to find the other standing by the window staring outside quietly as if he was quietly observing each and every movement. He stayed quiet, minding his own business but to say it didn't make him even curious would be wrong.

It was one of the other night when he woke up at 3am just to toss around a bit. His eyes squinted open finding the spot beside him empty and he knew what could have happened. This time he quietly got up walking up to the other stopping beside him looking out as well.

Jungkook :"I thought you said you are straight." The other looked at him confused seeing the sleepy form of the younger convinced he must be talking in his sleep or something.

Jungkook :"Don't tell me you fell for that officer. Why would you watch him every night otherwise?"

Guy :"Expected better from you." Rolling his eyes he shifted his eyes back at the scene. His one hand resting over the window frame where as the other held the cigar stick in between its two slender fingers inhaling in some smoke.

Jungkook Gang AU - COLORS OF SINS✔️Where stories live. Discover now