Chapter Twelve

Comincia dall'inizio

I then understood. In girl world, there is no trust.

From that day on, I acted really nice to Janice and Charlotte (mainly Janice, as she's the Slytherin Princess) .

'Oh Janice, that's really awesome! I have some references if you want.' I copied my wrong references and gave it to her.

'Charlotte, I heard Janice say you're a slut. To him!' When in exact fact, she didn't.

'Janice! Charlotte said you were mean and deserved nothing! Its terrible, I know.'



I tried my best to separate both of them, and it was working. I has to suck up to them to gain their trust, and at that time, I didn't regret anything.


'Lirana.' Draco approached me, and I continued brushing my hair.

' I heard you're getting close to Night and Sayer.' I applied eyeliner. 'So?'

'I don't like it. And I want it to stop. Now. Malfoys don't kiss other people's arses.' he scowled.

Realisation dawned on me. 'He's right. The throne is mine, and mine only. No one else shall take it away from me.' I thought.

'Its time I took extreme action. I can wait no longer.' I thought, and smirked. Things will change. And for my pride, my ego, my glory, I shall change it.

'It shall happen tonight.' Draco whispered.

'Tonight?' I asked, halfway through my mascara.

'Tonight.' he confirmed.


That night, I was ecstatic. Aunt Bellatrix promised to finish Night and Sayer, making me Slytherin Princess if the cabinet worked. I was delighted, while Draco was glum. I couldn't care less; everything I desire shall be mine now.

I stepped in front of the cabinet, and said 'Specialis Evenesco.'

I opened the cabinet, and the Death Eaters stepped out. Aunt Bella nodded to me, meaning she shall finish Night and Sayer in the dormitories.

I smiled smugly, and lowered my hood. With my black robes and striking makeup, I looked like one of them, and I enjoyed it. I have what I desire. 


Draco led the way as Aunt Bella and I changed direction, and I whispered the password and the snakes unravelled themselves, allowing us entry. 

We walked to the fourth year dormitory, where Night and Sayer shared one of their own. We burst in, and they woke up.

'What the-' My hood was pulled up, with my Death Eater mask on, while Aunt Bella cackled. They screamed.

We raised our wands together. For a reason, they didn't defend themselves. Not enough brains, maybe.

I walked over to Night and took the Slytherin Princess badge from her bedside table. The badge was only for the Slytherin Princess, and if it lands in the possession of another girl, the throne shall be hers. Slytherin Princesses must contain of some special amazing traits, and it is believed it is fate that placed it in another's hands.

'No! Not my badge!' she cried.

I gave her a slap, which contained all my hatred. 'Any last words?' I asked, while Aunt Bella cackled approvingly.

They screamed, as Aunt Bella and I twirled our wands.

'Avada Kedavra.' 

I removed my mask as they both fell to the ground, dead. I moved into the light, revealing my mask-less face.

My purple lips curved into a smirk, my eyes that were highlighted with green eyeliner and mascara flashing.

Everything shall be mine. Power, beauty, fame and the man I desire.

I, Lirana Narcissa Malfoy, had officially turned bad.


Lirana has turned bad! :O :D 

What do you guys think? :)

Got a bit of ideas from Mean Girls, as you could have noticed.

Vote, comment and fan!

P.S. Read my other fan fiction, Only For You (Dramione) 

Living Beneath The Depths (A Harry Potter fan fiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora