Chapter 7

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Nine point Eight
Chapter 7

"My feelings wouldn't change, no matter how will our story end," he smiles, forcing out the overflowing feelings inside him. He wanted to cry so much yet he couldn't thank enough to be able to have a second chance with her.

Without her knowing it, Tyler put a red scarf around her neck and whispers in her ears, "So, what are we going to do next?" He lifted up the depressing aura with his usual easy-going tone.

"I actually wanted to dance with you..." She turned away to a music that starts to flow around. World has been incredibly sweet before it took away her precious things, even it would granted her small wish to dance.

Take my hand

Tyler offers his hand "Come on. You said you wanted to dance."

I'll teach you to dance

"Right here?" She looks around and sees people starting to dance too. Then she reaches out his hand, moving along with his lead.

Won't you let me lead? You can step on my feet.

"Ouch! Hey! You don't need to follow the lyrics that much." Tyler laughed when she stepped away from his feet.

"That wasn't on purpose though," her cheeks turned red as she realised that Tyler pulled her closer.

Take it in, feel it all and hold it

"You're alone is enough for me to have." He spins her around holds her right back to him. "Cause you're all that I need."

Hannah giggles softly, trying to hide her jumping heart. "Since when you're this cheesy?"

"Probably just now."

We're doing this right

Their steps went into rhymes perfectly as they locked they eyes on each other. Words cannot describe how much they never want to let go this moment, to keep the hands of the clock stop ticking. Just for a moment. Just for now.

This is a feeling I've never felt

But it's all about us

Suddenly they felt like it's just the two of them dancing by the snow that starts to fall. They keep holding into each other, at least until this song goes into its end.

"You know what, Hannah?" He carved a smile on his face. "I've never imagine that we would have a dance under the falling snow."

"Neither I have." She smiles back to the guy in front of her. "It's kinda romantic."

"Really?" Tyler crooked his eyebrows.

She nodded reassuringly, dedicating her glassy eyes to him. Leaning her head on Tyler's shoulder, she whispers softly, "I wanna stay like this forever."


"His pulses keep going down," said a man behind his thick glasses. His eyes traced down the chart on his hand again, tapping on a turning point when Tyler's heartbeat decreased rapidly.

Dave Stanford sighs in depression. "Can't you make a miracle, somehow?" Those words came out as a result of his unchangeable intention to make Hannah smile with her heart content. She has never smiles that way with him; she needed just what the world denied. Tyler Haynes.

"I'm a doctor, Mr. Standford. Only God can make miracles."

"Dammit." He slams the desk lightly "Why Tyler?"

Dr. Petterson puts his glasses down and rests his tense shoulders to his seat. "I can save his life, but I'll need a spinal cord donor."

"Let it be me."

The middle aged man shook his head. "It's not that easy. We need a spinal cord from a person with the exact blood type and allele. Tyler's an A with O allele."

It took Dave Stanford fell silent for a moment. But then he realized something, "Why would you need a spinal cord? I thought it was his internal organs that were damaged?"

"I guess you haven't heard the complete explanation yet since I only told his parents." Dr. Petterson folds his hands and stares to Tyler's health report on the table "It's true that his organs are severely damaged, but I believe it can be cured through several operations."

"And? What's the big deal?"

"The problem is his leukemia."


"Leukaemia?" repeated Hannah Lawther as she turns to Tyler that was lying on the cold snow, saying that he had a leukemia as if it was nothing.

His eyes gazed to the sunset sky above them. "Yeah. I've gone through countless operations but it keeps coming back. And I'm sorry for not telling you when I'm still alive."

"But why are you telling me all of these now?"

"You know, I just don't want to have any regrets left." He gets up from the cold snow, smiling the smile she always wants to see. "I think it won't be long until I completely disappear."

Her heart throbs.

"Please don't say that." Hannah pulled her hands to covered her face that starting to make expression she doesn't want Tyler to see. "I-I... Can't you stay? Can't you stay with me?" Her voice cracked in tears.

Tyler wraps his arms around her. It's not that he doesn't want to, but the world doesn't let him to. He doesn't want to see her falling apart either, he has promised that he'll be the one who stop her from falling. Never to nine point eight again. He holds her tighter "I wish you know how much I don't want to let go."

A tear runs down from Tyler's eyes, followed by the next and soon he found himself couldn't held back his tears anymore. He knew that he doesn't have much time to be with her again, but he never thought that it would approach so fast. Too fast that he could feel himself disappearing as the sun sets down.

"Live on, Hannah Lawther," he whispered his last words. His existence was fading away. Before he merges into the sky that slowly turns dark, he left her with his last message. A kiss on her lips.

She couldn't ask for more.

She was glad that they were given a second chance, although it hurts so much now.

Because he wanted her to feel the pain.

To live on.

I suppose it won't be long until this story ends. Uurrgghh I'll miss Tyler and Hannah soon. Please vote and comment, support NPE until the end!

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