lake-town [pg-13]

Start from the beginning

"Tia lass? What are yeh doing outta bed at this hour?" Bofur got up from his chair making his way over to the little girl. Tia whimpered thinking she was in trouble now as her head bowed down and tears began to form in her eyes as she sniffeled. Bofur picked her up and held her in his arms as she clung to his neck..crying."Ah lassie..dont yeh cry. Its alright. Yeh shouldnt be outta bed at this hour."

"Bofur..who is this child?" the womans voice was deep yet soft and filled with curiousity as he turned to her.

"This is Tia..Ognirs daughter. She comes down to see meh ..but neveh this late." he held Tia as he sat down in his chair, then eased her away so he could wipe her tears from her face. Bofur saw her eyes wander over to the woman who was becoming more curious of the child. "Tia..i like teh introduce yeh teh me mother Beryl." Tia remembered her manners and smiling at the woman held out her hand to shake, which Beryl did while chuckeling at her.

"Nice to meet you momma Beryl." Bofur couldnt help laughing at hearing her call his mother momma.

"Beryl..just Beryl little Tia." she spoke kindly."Now whatcha doing outta bed child?"Tia started to sniffle again as she buried her face into Bofurs shoulder.

"I couldnt sleep..monsters under my bed took my Bo and I wanted my big Bo to make em go away."Bofur smiled at the thought of her wanting him to chase away her monsters for her to get her doll Bo back...she peeked out of his neck seeing niether of them mad at her..they just were smiling and it gave her a bit more courage. "Why you out of bed?" Beryl laughed at the temerity of the girl.

"Well..I knew me son here hadnt eaten I brought him dinner." Tia giggled at her as she looked at Bofur..placing her tiny hands on either side of his face trying to look stern as she spoke in her sweet voice.

"You need to eat you can be big and strong just like your daddy." they both laughed loudly at her trying to look serious..but she couldnt hold it long before she too joined in with peals of laughter echoing around the shop room. Eventually they ate the food that Beryl brought..even Tia had some before she fell asleep in Bofurs arms. Bofur carried the child back home..signaling for her father to be quiet, not waking her up as he carefully put her to bed.


The front door opened at that moment snapping Tia out of her memory of Bofurs the very woman she was just thinking about walked in. She hadnt changed in all those years..still looked the same now as then.

"Tia! Oi...hows my sweet daughter in law doing?" Beryl swept into the room rushing over to her..but paused briefly upon seeing Griegur who was trying to crawl into Tias lap at that particular moment..getting shy at the sight of strangers."Uh..Tia?" Tia smiled over at Beryl as she lifted the tyke into her arms comforting him.

"Momma Beryl." Beryls eyes jumped to Tias and her smile got wider ..remembering what she used to call her as a child."May I introduce you to your grandson Griegur." she noticed the womans eyes going wide at the mention of Tia a questioning look.

"Why didnt Bofur mention him?" Beryl looked behind her seeing her husband Rawfur coming in with Tohlm right behind him...then back to Tia who was softly laughing.

"Wellll...thats because he doesnt know about him..yet." she saw Beryl and Rawfur giving her a look of..explain.."I found him outside of my shop in the bushes three months ago. His mother just left him because he's half elf and half dwarf..she didnt want him.But...I..I do. So hes our son now." she felt tears welling up in her eyes and she tried to not let them fall...until she suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder...looking up into Beryls eyes seeing compassion and understanding there , broke her at that moment. She let go and cried..cried over Griegurs mothers heartlessness..cried over being scared about having twins..but most of all she cried over Bofur not being there with her. "I dont know if he will love him...Im so worried that he wont want him...I want him back momma..i miss him so much like there is a hole inside of me." all of Tias worries came flooding out as she sobbed into Beryls shoulder. Somewhere during Tias sobbing Griegur allowed Rawfur to hold him who eased away from the women ..allowing them to talk privately.

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