Chapter 1: Devil Reincarnate

Start from the beginning

My fingers dig into table at his remark.

Adrien - aka devil - Augustine is one person who I loathe with all the passion. He has been after me since the first year of college. Now we're sophomores. I have endured his slicing insults, frightening glares and bullying for more than a year, and it looks like I have three more to go before I can finally be free.

"If you're here to insult me then leave. I have work to do." I shouldn't have come to the cafe near college's premises.

"I'm sure you have plenty of time to do your work. It's not like you have places to be or someone to be with." My cheeks flame.

"You aren't dating anyone either," I threw back, knowing he was hinting at my barren love-life. Somehow he found out that I never had a boyfriend and now he loves to rub that on my face.

Adrien smirked. "For me it's a choice. For you-" his eyes skim down my figure contemptuously, "not so much." He hums. "It's high time for you to get on that treadmill Peppa Pig."

One thing that Adrien loves to pick on is my weight. He never misses a chance to remind me how fat I am. It's like he wants to make sure that I know how much he hates my body, how much I am worthless to him because of it. He's cruel like that to pounce on my weakest point. I wish I can hit him back with same insults but he's too good-looking, and very aware of it.

His unruly raven-black hair falls over his forehead, giving him a sexy look. Those pair of eyes as dark as midnight sky can burn with the intensity of thousand suns. I know since I have been at the receiving end so many times. His straight-edged nose, bow-shaped lips, chiseled jaw, and a small scar running over his right eyebrow, all come together impeccably to give him a devilishly handsome face. Add in the tall stature that is almost six feet four inches along with the muscles and you have a literal Greek God.

As I look at Adrien now, I am again wordlessly made aware why so many girls in our college pine over him, wants him, and why being single is actually a choice for him. He's in our college's basketball team, that's another plus. He can have a pick from all sort of girls, all he has to do is throw his charming smile at her and she'll be in his arms. 

"Mr. Reid, your order is ready!" The barista from the counter shouts, making me look away from Adrien.

"That's us," Trent chirps and leaves to get his order.

I look at my pizza and find more than half of it gone. I frown. Dealing with these assholes was not what I was looking forward to.

"No wonder you're spreading out, eating this kind of shit," Adrien taunts as I feel his eyes watching me. "Ever thought of cutting back on food. Or are you planning to eat until you finally burst like a ball."

I glare at the pizza, imagining bashing Adrien's head into it.

He shifts closer and the lock of my short hair is tucked behind. "You should come to the court sometimes with me. It'll be fun to play with you." His cool breath strokes my ear and my heart picks up at his nearness. "After all, you look bouncy enough to replace those basketballs."

I close my eyes and take a deep breath to stop the tears that are ready to spill, before meeting his eyes. "Go to hell," I whisper with all the venom I can muster.

He smiles cruelly. "Gladly, but I'll make sure to drag my Peppa with me."

I hate him so much.

I move away from Adrien as Trent returns with a big tray, containing food for at least five people. I stand up, ready to leave. It was enough humiliation for today, I don't have strength for more.

"Where are you going?" Trent asks but I ignore him and pack my things. I become extra aware when my hand accidentally brushes Adrien's shoulder while I grab my laptop. "I bought extra cupcakes for you." Hah! Like I am going to eat cupcakes in front of Adrien.

The feeling of his eyes watching my every movement doesn't help and I clumsily drop my pens on the floor. My plan for dramatic angry exit crumbles. I feel so embarrassed as I bent down to pick them. One pen lies right next to Adrien's foot. I quickly reach for it, praying he doesn't humiliate me more.

My prayer goes unanswered. Adrien steps on my pen before I can grab it, leaving me to glower at his Air Jordans. I look up to find an atrocious smirk playing on his lips.

Suddenly his eyes flicker lower and something in his gloating expression changes. I follow his gaze and discover I am giving him a full view of my cleavage. I immediately stand up, my face beet red. Seriously, is there no end to this humiliating nightmare?

The summer dress that I am wearing has a decent sweetheart neckline, but I didn't know it can give quite a view. And going by Adrien's face I gave him a lot of view. Agh!

I hurriedly take my remaining stuff, not bothering with the pen under his foot. He can keep it for all I care. I don't look at him again either, too embarrassed to face him.

I dash out of the cafe as soon as I gather my stuff, leaving behind now cold coffee and half-eaten pizza. Those scoundrels can eat that too. It's not like I'm hungry anymore. Thanks to that devil reincarnate.


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